Fort Negley Site

The guns of Fort Negley, commanding three turnpikes to the South & Southeast, opened the Battle of Nashville, Dec. 15, 1864. This site was selected by Capt. J. S. Morton as the key strongpoint in the Federal line around the ...

Rockville Academy

In 1805, the Maryland General Assembly appointed a commission to raise money for a school lot and a fire engine for Rockville. The Rockville Academy was chartered and authorized to hire teachers in 1809. In 1812 and 1813, a number ...

Fifty Years of Mountain Logging

Commercial logging became widespread in the Smokies around 1880, about fifty years before the establishment of the national park. Loggers using hand tools an animal teams took maple, poplar, cherry, walnut, and other choice woods.

Mechanized logging began in the ...


Settled in 1643 by English

Quakers under Lady Deborah

Moody on land granted to

them by the Dutch

Governor of New Amsterdam

Marker is on Gravesend Neck Road, on the left when traveling west.


Maiden Rock

The story of Maiden Rock has several versions. One by Mary Eastman was published in 1849. She heard the story from an old Indian friend, Checkered Cloud, who firmly believed the event happened around 1700. A more romantic version in ...

Civil War Memorial


March 29, 1909

Presented by the War Dept. To Paul E. Slocum Post No. 85 G.A.R. and by the Post to Monroe Co.

In memory of her Soldiers of 1861-1865.

Marker is on West 6th Street west of North ...

Old French Trail

1878 - 1930

Fresno Flats (Oakhurst) was the western end of the Old French Trail (Fresno Flats Trail). Built by J. S. French, it was 54 miles long and a vital east - west route for supplies, mail, equipment and ...

Iron Hill School #112C

Preserving History: The African-American Community of Iron Hill

The Iron Hill Museum is dedicated to the study of human and natural history of the Iron Hill Area. The Museum is currently engaged in a project to restore the Iron Hill ...

The Best Friend of Charleston

Horatio Allen was the chief engineer for the South Carolina Canal & Rail Road Company. He convinced the owners to use steam instead of horses to power their first locomotive, noting, "there was no reason to believe that the breed ...

Rockaway Footpath

On the eve of the Battle of Long Island in the early morning hours of August 27, 1776, General William Howe, commander of the British forces, ordered a local tavern owner, William Howard, and his son to guide several thousand ...
