
Results for B

Old Tannery Farm, once home of John Brown

A number of Hudson Ohio's historic plaques reference John Brown.  The famous abolitionist came to Hudson with his family as a five-year old in 1805.  

John's father Owen, often referred to as Squire Brown, played a major role in ...

First Public Structure in Hudson/First Schoolhouse in Summit County


First Schoolhouse marker

Near the Gazebo, you will see a rock that marks the spot of the first public structure in town. 

When David Hudson founded our city, Ohio was a wilderness.     He was the only one of the ...

Old Hudson Township Burying Ground

Old Hudson Township Burying Ground

The Old Township Burying Ground contains many of Hudson's earliest families.  At the gate of the cemetery, visitors will find a brochure with information provided by the Anna Lee Chapter of Questers.

The first burial, ...

Case Barlow Farm

Case-Barlow Farm

1931 Barlow Road

The Cases, along with their five children and one cow tied to their two-horse covered wagon, left Granby, Connecticut in May 1814.   Arriving in Hudson 6 weeks later, the family moved into a log cabin ...

Brewster Store

Brewster Store

5 Aurora Street

The Brewster Store is a long-time business location, housing a variety of commerce since 1839, and is likely the oldest commercial building still in use in the Western Reserve.

The building is named for Anson ...

Brewster Mansion

Brewster Mansion

9 Aurora

Brewster Mansion was built in 1853 by Frederick Bunnell as the home of Anson Brewster after a fire in 1842 destroyed the earlier family home on the same spot. 

Stories have his wife, Sarah White Brewster ...

Brent House

The Historic Brent House

Whalen Cabin

Grandma Whalen’s Homestead Cabin

Grandma Whalen, a widow, filed to homestead in 1918 on 160 acres in the Swan Valley. Her husband Roderick, a Northern Pacific Railroad employee, had died that year in Missoula.

Mary Ann Whalen’s homestead included a ...

photo_library library_music photo_library
Boston Town House Fires

The Old State House stands in the location of the original Town House. Built in 1658, it was the center of colonial life. The government utilized the building as well as merchants. The building is the oldest surviving public building ...

Tituba and John Indian

Tituba and John Indian were married servants in the Parris household. They both served Samuel Parris in Barbados and in Salem. Tituba was fully involved in the witchcraft hysteria. When Elizabeth Parris, Abigail Williams, and other young girls started complaining ...
