
Results for Bridge

Southern Branch Chapel / Battle of Great Bridge / Wilson Family

Site of

Southern Branch Chapel

A Chapel of ease of the Anglican Church

for the

Elizabeth River Parish 1701 - 1761

St. Brides Parish 1761 - 1845

Encampment area for American Patriots

Battle of Great Bridge

December 1775

First land battle for the American Revolution fought in Virginia

Residence of ...

Battle of Great Bridge DAR Monument

December 9, 1775

(side 1)

This monument honors

Patriots who assembled

at this site in the Cause of

American Freedom in 1775

American Patriots

at the Battle

Second Virginia Regiment

Commanded by

Colonel William Woodford,

of Caroline County, Virginia

Culpeper Minute Men

Battle of Great Bridge

December 9, 1775

Monument placed by the

Virginia Daughters of ...

Savannah's Liberty Ships and the Atlantic Bridge

Before the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor brought the United States into World War II, President Roosevelt and Congress authorized a ship building program to construct a fleet of transport vessels that could carry American supplies to England. The design ...

The Bridge

Four bridges have spanned the Barren River at this site. The center pylon dates from the first bridge that was built in 1838. The Confederate Army burned the 1838 wooden bridge when evacuating Bowling Green in 1862. The current bridge ...

Village of Great Bridge

A Vital Link

The village of Great Bridge was located at a strategic crossing of the Albemarle and Chesapeake Canal. This canal, along with the Dismal Swamp Canal, was recognized as being a strategically important corridor by both the Union and ...

Big Four Bridge

This landmark bridge was completed in September 1924 by the Walsh Construction Company for the C.C.C.&St.L. Railroad, and hailed as a “stupendous piece of engineering work.” The original Bellefontaine and Indiana line went through downtown Sidney but was rerouted to ...

Running Water Creek Bridge

Chickamauga Campaign Heritage Trail

The Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad Bridge over Running Water Creek was a vital link in the rail connection between Nashville and Chattanooga. The retreating Confederate Army destroyed it in the summer of 1863.

The pursuing Federal Army expected ...

The Guy West Bridge

Named in honor of

Dr. Guy A. West

Founding President of

Sacramento State College

(1947 – 1966)

Under his guidance and dedicated

leadership, the university grew from

four faculty and fewer than two

hundred students to a comprehensive

regional institute of higher

learning with a national reputation

for excellence

Marker can be ...


1630 - 1930

Location chosen in 1630 to be the capital of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Settled in 1631 under leadership of Thomas Dudley and called the New Town. The College ordered to be here, 1637. Name changed to Cambridge after ...

Site of Stockbridge Mansion

1630 - 1930

The Stockbridge mansion, built before 1660, stood on this site. It was a garrison house in King Philip’s War for protection of the mills, and was successfully defended. The pond and mill were made famous by Woodworth’s poem ...
