
Results for Civil War

Civil War Unknown Dead

In memory of the

unknown who died

in defense of their

country 1861-65


Cortlandt Civil War Monument

[ south side ]

To The Memory Of

The Soldiers and Sailors From

The Town of Cortlandt

Who Served in the Civil War

1861 - 1865

[ bronze plaque on north side ]

Erected by The

Citizens of The

Town of Cortlandt

Through the Efforts

of the

Veterans Monument


And All Organizations

Affiliated With

The ...

Alexander Post No. 158 G.A.R. Civil War Memorial

In Memory of

Our Dead


They Stood Shoulder

to Shoulder

in Defence of

Our Country.

“With malice

toward none, with

charity for all,

with firmness

in the right.”

Erected by Alexander Post

No. 158 G.A.R.

Dep't of

Ohio 1884


Civil War Action Around Latimer's Farm

Nineteenth-century farmer Ruben Latimer lived a mile southwest of this spot. He, his wife Sarah, their children and eleven slaves worked a modest self-sufficient farm where they raised livestock and grew cotton, corn and other food crops. In June 1864 ...

Civil War Action Around Latimer’s Farm

Nineteenth-century farmer Ruben Latimer lived a mile southwest of this spot. He, his wife Sarah, their children and eleven slaves worked a modest self-sufficient farm where they raised livestock and grew cotton, corn and other food crops. In June 1864 ...

Civil War Cannon

This Civil War cannon was captured from Confederate forces by Wisconsin troops on Island Number 10 near Vicksburg. Brought to Sparta by Mr. W. H. Farnham in 1867.

Marker is on East Montgomery Street (State Highway 21) west of North Benton ...

Asians in the American Civil War

Side A:

Despite exclusionary laws preventing U.S. citizenship, Asians served in the Union and Confederate armies and navies during the American Civil War (1861-1865). Many of these soldiers were denied citizenship following their services due to the anti-Asian sentiment, which culminated ...

Civil War Artillery

This is one of several replicas of 10-pound Parrott Guns (cannon) located in this area. Its maximum effective range was about 2500 yards. The Parrott was a muzzled-loaded rifled canon varying from the 10 to 250 pound projectile size. It ...

Swampscott Civil War Monument

[ east side ]

In Memory Of The Brave

And Heroic Soldiers Who

Died In Defence Of Their

Country. This Monument Is

Erected By The Town Of


"Our Nations Defenders

Dead But Not Forgotten."

[ north side ]

Lieut. Col. Charles R. Mudge 2nd Mass Infantry

Caleb O. Stone Co. ...

Early Gun Shop Site / Civil War Armorer

Early Gun Shop Site

Here Benjamin Mills made some of finest rifles in US, ca. 1830-50. His muzzle loaders famous for dual trigger system. Used by Kit Carson and Dr. Christopher Graham, conceded to be best rifle shot in world at ...
