
Results for Virginia

Army of Northern Virginia


Army of Northern Virginia

General Robert E. Lee, Commanding.

(September 17, 1862.)

At about 6 a.m. Jackson became heavily engaged in resisting an attempt of Hooker's Corps of the Army of the Potomac to turn the left flank of ...

Army of Northern Virginia


Army of Northern Virginia,

General Robert E. Lee, Commanding.

(September 14-16, 1862).

Army of Northern Virginia was composed of Longstreet's and Jackson's Commands, Stuart's Cavalry Division and the Reserve Artillery.

D.R. Jones' and Hood's Division and Evans' Brigade of Longstreet's Command, also D.H. Hill's ...

West Virginia / Virginia

(West Virginia Side):West Virginia

(Pocahontas County)"The Mountain State" ~ western part of the Commonwealth of Virginia until June 20, 1863. Settled by the Germans and Scotch-Irish. It became a line of defense between the English and French during the French ...

Virginia Inventors

A mile and a half northwest, Cyrus H. McCormick perfected, in 1831, the grain reaper. In that vicinity, in 1856, J. A. E. Gibbs devised the chainstitch sewing machine.

Marker is at the intersection of Lee Jackson Highway (U.S. 11) and ...

John and Virginia Linney House

John Filmore Linney (1853-1924) and his wife Virginia (Lum) Linney (1854-1946), were both members of pioneer Texas families. His father, Col.John Linney had this house built for the couple in 1876, just two years after their marriage. John F. and ...


A state holiday was declared on the day the 15,000-ton battleship USS Virginia was launched in 1904. USS Virginia was one of the seven battleships built by Newport News to sail in President Theodore Roosevelt’s Great White Fleet on its ...

The Executive Mansion of Virginia

On this site lived three Presidents of the United States, Monroe and Tyler as Governors and William Henry Harrison while his father, Benjamin Harrison, signer of the Declaration of Independence, was Governor. The first house on this site was also ...

Virginia Laydon

The First Surviving Child Born in Virginia to English Parents

We Remember

Virginia Laydon

The First Surviving Child Born in Virginia to English Parents

Member of this Parish

Virginia Laydon was born about 1609, the first child of Anne Burras Laydon and John Layton.

Anne Burras, ...

Virginia War Memorial

This memorial

erected by the Commonwealth

of Virginia commemorates the

service and sacrifice of all

Virginians during

World War II··1941-45

and Korea···1950-53


Persian Gulf·1991

Above this, in text too wide to capture in a single photo, an inscription reads,:

In this Shrine of Memory are inscribed ...

Virginia Legends Walk

Several markers are located along the Virginia Legends Walk. In order, starting from the eastern entrance, they read as follows:Grace Sherwood


Sherwood lived in Princess Anne County from the latter 1600’s until the 1730’s, an era when many American colonists believed ...
