
Results for World War I Memorial

Adams County World War Memorial

This Memorial In Honor of the Boys of Adams County who Made the Supreme Sacrifice in the World War

Bernard E. Althoff, John W. Batterman, Albert D. Bell, George E. Black, Charles Bower, Ralph E. Brame, Walter S. Bream, Charles C. ...

Beverly World War I Memorial

World War I Memorial

Beverly Remembers With Pride

Her Sons and Daughters Who

Served Their Country in World War I.

The Glorious Ones Who Died Gave

Their Lives As a Sacrifice For

The Cause of peace. They Fought

For Us; For Us They Fell. We

Remember, We Mourn ...

Beverly World War II Memorial

World War II Memorial

The Citizens of Beverly Dedicate

This Memorial To

All Beverly Men and Women

Who Served in America's

Armed Forces in World War II

Thus Becoming "Veterans".

Beverly Honors With Heartfelt

Love and Deep Sense Of

Loss for All Their Comrades

In Arms Who Made the Supreme

Sacrifice ...

Switzerland County World War I Memorial

A. D. - - - - § - §-§ - § - - - - 1926

In memory of

the Sons and Daughters


Switzerland County

who served in

1917 - - The World War - - 1918

Names on record

in Civil ...

World War Memorial

North Side:

Erected November 11, 1929

by the Greenwood Post No. 20

of the American Legion

the Legion Auxiliary and the

Citizens of Greenwood County

in honor of the brave men who

sacrificed their lives so

that liberty and justice might

reign throughout the world.

West Side:

Dedicated to the memory ...

Milford World War I Memorial

[ south side plaque ]

Our Honored Dead

May Every Generation

Of Young Americans Be Given

Power to Translate Their Lives In

Terms of Sacrifice for Mankind

List of Milford Dead

Blackhall, Geo B. • Clark, Charles S. • Crary, ...

Milford World War II Memorial

Dedicated To All

Who Served

1941 1945

World War II

Marker is at the intersection of Broad Street (Connecticut Route 162) and Armory Lane, on the left when traveling north on Broad Street.


Cooper County World War Memorial

They died that Freedom might

not perish from the Earth


Stanley Ira Bell • Oscar H. Bishop

Merritt H. Boswell • Mack L. Blackstone

William O. Diel • John Edwards

Sidney E. Emery • Harry English

Lon S. Fairfax • Richard Wm. Haller

Emmett W. Hamilton • ...

Rockport World War I & II Memorial

These Our Dead In Honored Glory Rest

World War I

1917   1918

James E. Bryan R.C.A.

John A. Carlson U.S.A.

Dwight P. Dutton U.S.M.C.

Edward R. Everett U.S.A.

Harold T. Grover U.S.A.

Edward Peterson U.S.A.

World War II

1941 ...

Greene County World War I Memorial

Honor Roll of the men of Greene County who gave their lives in the World War.

Areford, John G. •

Bissett, Joseph •

Buchanan, Bert •

Carey, Harold T. •

Closser, Hallie, J. •

Courtwright, John •

Crayne, Thomas E. •

Creel, James F. •

Davis, Albert •

Dunn, Harry ...
