John William Heisman


Renowned college football coach and name-sake for the sport’s highest amateur honor, the Heisman Memorial Trophy. His innovations included legalizing the forward pass, the center snap, the scoreboard, and game quarters. Heisman promoted player safety by advocating gear improvements and ...

Arthur S. Fairchild

This Plaque Expresses Appreciation

and Perpetuates the Memory of

Arthur S. Fairchild

Long time friend and president of

St. Thomas who on December 27, 1946

donated the major portion of

Magens Bay Beach and 56 acres of

land in perpetuity to the municipality

of St. Thomas and ...

Davis' Div. at Dallas

May 26, 1864. Brig. Gen. J.C. Davis’ (2d) div. 14th A. C. [US], reached Dallas on this rd. from Bishop’s Bridge (Pumpkin Vine Cr.).

These troops left Resaca, Gordon County, May 16, & marched to Rome via a route W. of ...

Defending the Peninsula

Avenue of Attack

When Virginia seceded on April 17, 1861, Union and Confederate leaders alike saw the Peninsula as an avenue of attack against Richmond. Federal ships on the James and York rivers could guard an army’s flanks and escort supply ...

Roberts Torpedo

First successful device for increasing the flow of oil by setting off an explosion deep in a well. It was publicly demonstrated in 1865. The nitroglycerin was made .4 mile south of here, along Hammond Run.

Marker is on Smock Blvd ...

Titusville Oil Exchange

The industry's first permanent oil exchange was organized in 1871 by producers, refiners, dealers, brokers. Starting in the American Hotel on this spot, it moved to other sites; returned here in a new three-story brick building, 1881. Dissolved 1897; building ...

Confederate Dead

About 300 Confederate soldiers are buried here, most of whom died of wounds or disease in the several Confederate hospitals located in LaGrange. Most of these men served in the Confederate Army of Tennessee and participated in many bloody engagements. ...

Hendersonville War Memorial

In memory of those who served

Spanish American War

World War I

World War II



Grenada, Lebanon, Panama

Persian Gulf, Iraq, Afghanistan

Marker is on N Main Street.


Civil War Fortifications

In the winter of 1861-1862, Centreville was the linchpin of extensive fortifications erected by Confederate troops to protect their winter quarters and block anticipated Union advances. The earthworks stretched nearly eight miles south and west of town. More than 40,000 ...

Ida M. Tarbell

Noted oil historian, biographer of Lincoln, journalist, lived in this house about six years. She was graduated from the Titusville High School in 1875.

Marker is on East Main Street, on the right when traveling west.

