John A. Mather

Photographer of oil industry from 1860, lived in this house. His thousands of views form an extraordinary record of an industry that began here. Born, Bury, England, in 1829; died Titusville, 1915.

Marker is on East Main Street, on the left ...

Rusk Footbridge

(546 feet long, 4 feet wide)

First built 1861 as the means for residents east of valley to get to town during rainy seasons.

Rebuilt in 1889 by T.H. Barnes, engineer building New Birmingham (now ghost town, to the east).

Maintained ...

McPherson Park

Donated by Caroline Choice

June 18, 1884 Named for

John A. McPherson 1910

First Chairman of Park

and Tree Commission

City of Greenville

Marker is on E Park Ave., on the right when traveling east.


Major Samuel Comstock

In Memory Of

Major Samuel Comstock

1739 --- 1824

A Private

In The French and Indian War

A Captain In The Revolutionary War

July 1776 --- June 1783

Serving At

White Plains Germantown Fort Mifflin

Valley Forge Monmouth Yorktown

Commissioned Major October 10, 1783

His Wife

Mercy Mead

1741 - 1816

Marker can be ...

Dallas - New Hope Line

Four to six mi. N.E., on State Highway 92 at & near New Hope church, are the battlefield’s of New Hope Church & Pickett’s Mill - two of the notable engagements of the Atlanta Campaign, May 25 & 27, 1864.

From ...

Millie ~ Christine McKoy

Black Siamese twins born near here, 1851. exhibited in U.S. and Europe. Died in 1912. Grave is five miles N.

Marker is on Business U.S. 74/76 just north of Flynn Cemetery Road (County Highway 1715).


Fort Frederick

Maryland State Park

Colonial stone fort built 1756 for Province of Maryland by Gov. Horatio Sharpe to protect frontier against French and Indians after Braddock’s defeat. Detention camp for British prisoners 1776–83. Occupied 1861–2 by Union troops. George Washington was here ...

McPherson’s Troops March to Barnsley’s

May 18th, 1864. Logan’s 15th A.C. of the Army of the Tennessee [US] left Adairsville in afternoon, following the 4th & 14th A.C. [US] as far as this point, where it turned S.W. to Barnsley Gardens, where it joined K. ...

Gen. J. E. B. Stuart’s Cavalry

Gen. J.E.B. Stuart's cavalry on his raid around the Federal army, Oct. 19, 1862, crossed the National Road here after crossing the Potomac River at McCoy’s Ferry three miles south of this point.

Marker is at the intersection of National Pike ...

Glendale Orientation Center

Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument

In the late 1800s, travelers who wanted to go to Kanab or Panguitch accompanied the mail carrier. In the early years, they traveled with him on horseback; in later years, they hitched a ride in his two-wheeled ...
