
Results for Art

Wisconsin Progressive Party

Near this site on May 19, 1934, the Wisconsin Progressive Party was formally organized. The Party was the result of a movement begun forty years before on the principle that the will of the people should be the law of ...

Cherry Point and Cowart’s Wharf

Settled by Englishmen about 1640, Cherry Point

was later a childhood home of Mary Ball, the

mother of George Washington. In August 1814

American militia repulsed a British force there.

From the early 1800s to the 1940s, steamboats

plied the waters of Chesapeake Bay and ...

Officers' Quarters, Drum Barracks, 1862-1868

"Drum Barracks, Civil War Period"

Panel 1:

Officers’ Quarters

1862 * Drum Barracks * 1868

Supply Depot, Department of

the Southwest, U.S. Army.

In memory of the historic past of this

building and the importance of its

association with early ...

Artillery Duel

On the morning of May 3, 1863, Union artillery at Fairview suffered the most intense artillery bombardment of the battle. More than 40 Confederate guns at Hazel Grove (visible 1,200 yards in front of you) concentrated their fire on 34 ...

Officers’ Quarters


Report from the Fort

31 October 1820 . Major Samuel Babcock, Engineer

Quarters for officers 96 by 28 feet and two stories high built in 1814.

Report from the Fort

16 October 1844 . Major Brevet C.W. Thomas

The ...


In 1861 the Wm. Bartley & Sons foundry was established here along the South Branch of the Raritan River. Workers made bridges, farm machinery, steam engines, and turbines. The High Bridge branch of the Central Railroad of New Jersey gave ...

Wilson's Headquarters and Camp

Gravelly Springs, Alabama

At this site from mid-January to mid-March 1865, Maj. Gen. James Harrison Wilson, U.S. Army, assembled the largest cavalry force ever massed in the western hemisphere. Five divisions totaling 22,000 camped from Gravelly Springs westward to Waterloo. Wilson ...

Chris Reid Oral History Artwork Project

Chris Reid completed a public artwork

consisting of 20 bronze plaques and a

printed book. The texts are based on

recordings the artist made from

2004 to 2008 with residents and people

associated with Nicholas Street,

Ross Road, Bride Street and Bride

Road. Chris Reid was commissioned

through ...

1926 Article From "Venice News"

"It's a mammoth," voiced Dr. J. W. Gidley, Paleontologist of the Smithsonian Institute, 15 minutes after he first saw the fossil tusks and jaw bone of the prehistoric monster found in Venice. The size of the tusks indicates that it ...

Indian Quarters / Habitaciones de los Indios

In the early years, mission Indians lived in small detached houses called jacales. In 1755, eighty-four of these jacales lined "streets" in what is today the plaza. But after 1768, as conflicts with Apaches and Comanches increased, the mission was ...
