
Results for Art

Purple Heart Memorial

Combat Wounded Veterans

Dedicated to all men and women wounded in all our wars.

Military Order of the Purple Heart 1782 • 1932

My stone is red for the blood they shed.

The medal I bear is my Country's way ...

Purple Heart Memorial

Military Order of the Purple Heart


1782 • 1932

Marker is on Quantico Drive.


Purple Heart Trail in Kansas

"Freedom Isn't Free"

On 13 May 2003, Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius, proclaimed the Eisenhower Insterstate Highway System in Kansas, as the "Purple Heart Trail." This trail memorializes those heroic service members who have had the Purple Heart medal bestowed on ...

Bell of the U.S.S. Hartford

Bell of the U.S.S. Hartford

Admiral Farragut's Flagship

during the Civil War battles

of New Orleans, April, 1862

and Mobile Bay, August, 1864

"Damn the torpedoes . . . . Full speed ahead"

[ Farragut at Mobile Bay ]

Marker can be reached from the intersection of ...

Venice Apartment District

[South Side of Marker]

John Nolen, world renowned city planner, designed the City of Venice so residents could work and relax in harmony with nature and with each other. A central business area, outlying farms, open green spaces, and a wide ...

Lambrecht's Artesian Well

An oil well drilled at this site in 1912 yielded not oil, but free-flowing artesian water. The following year, German native Nick Lambrecht (1855-1920) purchased the property. Lambrecht served as justice of the peace and mayor during Humble's oil boom ...

Sacramento Volunteer Fire Department

1850 – 1872

The Mutual Hook and Ladder Company, formed on February 5, 1850, was the first fire company in the State of California. It served with distinction until disbanded October 30, 1859.

On June 23, 1858, a grateful city donated this ...

Schwartz's Battery

McClernand's Division

U. S.

Schwartz's Battery,

"E", 2d Ill. Lt. Art., McClernand's (1st) Div.,

Army of the Tennessee.

This battery of four guns, was engaged here from 7.45 a.m. to 10 a.m. April 6, 1862 when it retired to Cross Roads, leaving one disabled gun.

Marker ...

Sherman's Headquarters

During the Federal occupation of Columbia February 17-19, 1865 commanding General William T. Sherman had his headquarters here.

Marker can be reached from Gervais Street, on the right when traveling west.


Martin W. Torkelson

(1878 – 1963)

Martin Torkelson, born in Jackson County, served the State of Wisconsin for more than fifty years. He was a pioneer in the development for both land and air trans­portation.

After graduating from the University of Wisconsin in 1904, ...
