
Results for Art

Westwood Fire Department Memorial

Dedicated in Loving Memory of Ex-Chief

John Loennecker

Through his vision and leadership, this park, dedicated to the deceased members of our department, was founded.

Only John’s love for the volunteer fire service can compare with the beauty of this memorial. He is ...

William Bartram Trail

Traced 1773-1777

At Fort Picolata, Nov. 18, 1765,

William Bartram and his father John

saw Creek Indian Treaty signed and

began their Florida plants survey.

Erected by

The Wildflower Garden Club of District IV

In loving memory of Lorraine Ridge

In cooperation with

Florida Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc., ...

Battery A, 1st Illinois Artillery

W.H.L. Wallace's Division

(front of monument)


Battery "A",

1st Regiment Lt. Artillery,

2nd Division--W. H. L. Wallace,

Army of the Tennessee.

(back of monument)

Willard's Battery, "A",

Commanded by

Lieut. P. P. Wood.

Went into action about 9.00 a.m., April 6, 1862, and vigorously engaged the enemy in this and ...

Martha Graham


Born near here, dancer, choreographer, and teacher Martha Graham created a modern and unique movement style. In 1927, she founded her School of Contemporary Dance, revolutionizing the art of modern dance with innovative works such as “Frontier” and “Appalachian Spring.”

Marker ...

Scion of the Charter Oak

Scion of the Charter Oak

Planted 19 October 1871 by

First Company Governor's Foot Guard

White Oak (Quercus atba L)

In the earliest days the great oak served both as a council tree and agricultural guide for Native Americans. The annual spring planting of ...

Purple Heart Recipients

In honor of Purple Heart Recipients

They paid for our freedom with blood. All gave some, some gave all.

Marker can be reached from Woody Jones Boulevard.


Martin Wagner


Master Machinist and Blacksmith, he was the third generation of his family to devote his life to work with forge, torch and anvil on this site. The Wagner Blacksmith and Machinery Repair Shop began serving the residents of Kent County ...

William Bartram Trail

Traced 1773-1777

William Bartram crossed the Chattahoochee (Chata Uche) River January 5, 1778 to Chehaw and Usseta now Columbus.

Marker is at the intersection of Broadway and Fourth Street, in the median on Broadway.


The Martintown Road

In the 1730s, an Indian path from Fort Moore to the Saluda ridge was used by traders going to the Cherokee Nation. Later, a wagon road from Ninety Six to Augusta followed the same route. Named for the Martin family ...

The Farthest North

The farthest north attained by any organized body of the Confederate Army of General Robert E. Lee was reached here at the farm of Joseph Miller on the morning of June 28 1863.

Hearing that Sterrett's Gap was occupied by Union ...
