
Results for 4th

The 14th Corps at Lumpkin's Station

On Dec. 3, 1864, after a hard march across Buckhead, Rocky Beaver Dam and Rosemary creeks from camps N. of Birdsville and W. of Buckhead Church, the 14th Corps [US], Maj. Gen. Jeff. C. Davis, [US] (less Baird's division) camped ...

54th Infantry - 55th Infantry - 5th Cavalry

Massachusetts Volunteer Militia

54th Infantry

55th Infantry

5th Cavalry

Massachusetts Volunteer Militia


"With Malice toward None, with Charity for All."

Dedicated to

the African-American troops

who trained here and

distinguished themselves in the

Civil War, and to those who

continue to fight for equal

rights and equal justice

Marker is at the intersection ...

"this day being...the 4th of July"

The U.S. Army expedition led by Captains Meriwether Lewis and William Clark camped in this vicinity on July 4, 1804. In honor of the nation's 28th birthday, expedition members fired the swivel cannon on the bow of their keelboat once ...

14th Wisconsin Infantry



Army of the Tennessee.

14th Wisconsin Infantry,

- Unassigned -

This Regiment, attached temporarily to the 14th Brigade, Army of the Ohio, was engaged here from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. April 7, 1862.

Marker is at the intersection of Eastern Corinth Road and ...

14th Iowa Infantry Regiment

Tuttle's Brigade - W.H.L. Wallace's Division


to her

14th Infantry,

Tuttle's (1st) Brigade,

W.H.L. Wallace's (2d) Division,

Army of the Tennessee.


14th Regiment Infantry Volunteers

Commanded by Col. W.T. ShawThis regiment (seven companies) held this position against repeated attacks from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. April 6, ...

9th Arkansas Battalion - 8th Arkansas - 27th Tennessee - 44th Te

Wood's Brigade - Hardee's Corps


9 Ark. Batt'n, 8 Ark., 27 Tenn., 44 Tenn.,

Wood's (3d) Brigade, Hardee's Corps,

Army of the Mississippi.

These regiments were engaged here from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. April 6, 1862.

Marker is on Eastern Corinth Road, on the ...

24th Michigan Infantry Regiment

1st (Iron) Brigade

(Front):24th. Mich.

1st. (Iron) Brig.

1st. Div. 1st. Corps.

(Left Side):July 1st. 1863.Arriving upon the field to the south of these woods in the forenoon of July 1st. this regiment with others of the Brigade, (2nd. and ...

4th Tennessee Infantry

Stewart's Brigade - Clark's Division - Polk's Corps

C. S.

4th Tennessee Infantry,

Stewart's (2d) Brig., Clark's (1st) Div., Polk's Corps,

Army of the Mississippi.

This regiment charged McAllister's battery at 11 a.m. April 6, 1862 capturing one gun and ...

14th (Brooklyn) Infantry N.Y.S.M.

(84th New York Volunteers)

14th. (Brooklyn) Infantry N.Y.S.M.

(84th. N.Y. Volunteers)

2nd. Brigade, 1st. Division, 1st. Corps.

—————Here, in the forenoon, July 1st. 1863, the Regiment opened fire on A.P. Hill's Corps; afterwards charged successfully on Davis' Brigade at the railroad to the right ...

54th Pennsylvania Monument

Erected to the memory of the heroic dead of the 54th Regiment, Pennsylvania Veterans Volunteer Infantry, who gave their lives in defence of their country. 1861–1865.

(brass tablet at base) At ceremonies conducted 16 September 1984, title to this monument was ...
