
Results for D T

Footbridge and Tobacco Road

Footbridge and Tobacco Road.

This foot bridge crosses a deep ravine.    Underneath the footbridge is a path that in the 18th Century was known as Tobacco Road. 

Tobacco, in the 17th and 18th centuries, was a valuable form of currency. ...

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Western Reserve Academy

Two months after Ohio became a state in 1803, the Ohio State Assembly gave David Hudson and 12 others the right to found a college. Classes were not held until 1826, when the first building was erected high on a ...

Old Tannery Farm, once home of John Brown

A number of Hudson Ohio's historic plaques reference John Brown.  The famous abolitionist came to Hudson with his family as a five-year old in 1805.  

John's father Owen, often referred to as Squire Brown, played a major role in ...

First Public Structure in Hudson/First Schoolhouse in Summit County


First Schoolhouse marker

Near the Gazebo, you will see a rock that marks the spot of the first public structure in town. 

When David Hudson founded our city, Ohio was a wilderness.     He was the only one of the ...

Old Hudson Township Burying Ground

Old Hudson Township Burying Ground

The Old Township Burying Ground contains many of Hudson's earliest families.  At the gate of the cemetery, visitors will find a brochure with information provided by the Anna Lee Chapter of Questers.

The first burial, ...

Tituba and John Indian

Tituba and John Indian were married servants in the Parris household. They both served Samuel Parris in Barbados and in Salem. Tituba was fully involved in the witchcraft hysteria. When Elizabeth Parris, Abigail Williams, and other young girls started complaining ...

Sarah Holten and the Accusers

Sarah Holten was one of the accusers involved in the witchcraft hysteria. One of the people she accused of wrongdoing was Rebecca Nurse. Unlike many of the other accusers, she was not a child and she was married. The accusers ...

Reasons behind the Salem Witch Outbreak

During the Salem Witch Trials of 1692, people truly believed in Satan’s ability to affect the human realm through witches and wizards. Witches have been around throughout history; before and after Salem. Salem is different from other instances of witchcraft, ...

The Quaker Mary Dyer

Mary Dyer is one of the only women in American history executed for religious reasons. Born in England, she immigrated to Massachusetts shortly after Puritans established the colony. Her and her family practiced Puritanism, but soon questioned the principles of ...

Evidence used during the Salem Witch Trials

The evidence used during the Salem Witch Trials of 1692 would not be allowed in a trial today. There was no real evidence submitted against the accused. One of the primary sources of evidence was the use of spectral evidence, ...
