
Results for Erie

The Erie Canal

Power Canal Park | Cohoes NY

The Erie Canal flowed through Cohoes along two distinct paths during the 19th century. The first phase, 1825-1841, is commonly referred to as "Clinton's Ditch" after New York Governor DeWitt Clinton, who was the foremost ...

Erie Canal

Canal Dug in 1822 and

enlarged in 1842.

Remains of both canals are

evident. Opened from

Albany to Buffalo, 1825.

Marker is on Riverview Road, on the right when traveling east.


Erie Canal

Albany to Buffalo

Begun 1817, completed 1825. Enlarged 1850's and early 1900's. This section opened 1822, making Pittsford an active commercial port.

Marker is on North Main Street 0.2 miles from Monroe Avenue, on the right when traveling north.



The State's only lake port, bought with Erie Triangle, 1792. Laid out in 1795 by Ellicott and Irvine. Site of French, British and U.S. forts. Perry built his fleet here in 1813.

Marker is on Peach Street (U.S. 19) south of ...

Two Batteries in one

Battery Harker and Battery Arnold share the continuous 750 foot long parapet wall. Battery Harker (right) contains three 10-inch gun emplacements and Battery Arnold (left) has three 12-inch gun emplacements.

A protective earthwork, the parados, was built behind the gun emplacements ...

Batteries Hentig and Dodd

The 1890s modernization continued

By the turn of the century, Fort Delaware had become part of a coastal defense system, linking Fort Mott in New Jersey and Fort Dupont in Delaware. Batteries* Hentig and Dodd, which each housed two rapid-fire guns, ...

Merieult House

Erected in 1792 on the site of the first barracks forges and workshops of the Company of the Indies, the house was the only building in the area of destruction to escape the Great Fire of 1794.

In 1832 it ...

Batteries H and M, 4th U.S. Artillery / Battery H, 5th U.S. Arti

(Front):4th U.S. Artillery

Batteries "H" and "M"

Captain John Mendenhall.

5th Div. (Crittenden)

5th U.S. Artillery

Battery "H"

Captain Wm. R. Terrill.

2nd. Div. (McCook)

Army of the Ohio.

(Back):These batteries were engaged

near here from about 9 a.m.

to 1.30 p.m. April 7, 1862.


3 killed, 19 wounded, total 22.

Marker is ...

Erie Land Lighthouse

The first lighthouse to shine on the Great Lakes. Created to aid navigation and promote shipping, the original 20-ft. beacon (1818) and the subsequent brick tower (1858) were built upon unstable soil. The sandstone tower (1867) was the 3rd built ...

Erie County

Formed March 12, 1800 from Allegheny County. Named for Lake Erie, which took its own name from the Erie Indians. Erie, the county seat, was laid out 1795; made a city in 1851. Ships of Perry's fleet which won the ...
