
Results for Lewis

Lewiston - 1826

Boone's Lick Road

Marked by the

Daughters of the

American Revolution

and the

State of Missouri


Marker is on Boone's Lick Road ½ mile east of Ellis Road, on the left when traveling east.


Dr. Lewis Condict House


Dr. Condict, outstanding public

servant, was first president

of the Morris County Medical

Society, congressman, and first

president of the Morris and

Essex Railroad.

Morris County Heritage Commission

New Jersey Register of Historic Places

National Register of Historic Places

Marker is at the intersection of South Street and ...

Lewis & Clark Expedition

On Aug. 31, 1803, Capt. Meriwether Lewis launched a 50-foot “keeled boat” from Ft. Fayette, 100 yards downriver. This marked the beginning of the 3-year expedition commissioned by President Jefferson, which opened America to westward expansion.

Marker is at the ...

Lewisboro Veterans Monument

This Memorial Is Dedicated


The Town of Lewisboro

To Honor Its Valiant Citizens

Who Have Served Their Country

In The Armed Forces

In Time Of War.

May 30, 1955

Marker is at the intersection of Main Street and Keeler Court, on the right when traveling north on ...

Lewis G. Castle

Honoring Lewis G. Castle

in recognition of his part as a volunteer leader in gaining the seaway and as the administer of the St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation.

The seaway, completed in 1959, represented decades of dreams, planning and work by men ...

Lewis's Battery - Garnett's Battalion

Heth's Division - Hill's Corps

Army of Northern Virginia

Hill's Corps Heth's Division

Garnett's Battalion Lewis's Battery

The Lewis Artillery

Two 3 inch Rifles and Two Napoleons

July 1 One of the rifles at 3.30 p.m. relieved one of Pegram's guns on the ridge west of ...

Lewis and Clark Expedition

Near here at Camp Dubois, the Lewis and Clark Detachment spent the winter of 1803. They left on May 14, 1804, ascending the Missouri River to its source. Crossed the Great Divide reaching the Pacific on November 7, 1805. They ...


Side A

Site of Fort Savannah, built in 1755. Here at Camp Union Gen. Andrew Lewis mustered troops which participated in the Battle of Point Pleasant 1774. Lewisburg was incorporated in October, 1782, by the Virginia Assembly.

Side B

Presbyterian Church established 1783. ...


Old Confederate Cemetery . A Civil War Burial Ground

The remains of 95 unknown Confederate soldiers from the Battle of Lewisburg, fought May 23, 1862, lie in this cross-shaped common grave. It has a vertical length 80 feet long and a ...

Battle of Lewisburg

23 May 1862

The 3rd Provisional Ohio Brigade's camp was on this hill. The Confederate artillery opened the battle at 5 a.m. with a bombardment of the Federal camp.

Marker is on McElhenny Road.

