
Results for Water

Pelton Water Wheel

In continuous use PG&E Drum Power House No. 4, 1928-1987. Produced 18,000 HP at 257 RPM and enough electrical power for 16,000 households. 12 ft. diameter, weight 15 tons. Built in San Francisco by Pelton Company. A constitutional bicentennial gift ...

Water and Well

“ … not at all replenished with springs of fresh water … their wells brackish, ill-scented … and not grateful to the stomach.” If a well at Jamestown was sunk to the right depth, it could yield “sweet water.” Too ...

Water for a Thirsty West

The Rapid Valley Unit & Project

By the mid-20th century, water in the West did more than irrigate 160 acre patches of alfalfa. Water flowed as the life blood of cities, private industries, and military bases. Droughts during the 1930s illustrated ...



“They have a Sett of Pumps which go by Water, which force the water up through leaden Pipes, from the River to the Top of the Hill, near an hundred feet.”

John Adams to Abigail Adams


A bountiful spring supplied Bethlehem's water ...

The Baltimore County Water and Electric Company

The basin in front of you and the house beside you are remnants of the Baltimore County Water and Electric Company that operated here from 1910 to 1922. the company, founded by Victor G. Bloede, supplied pressurized water to parts ...

Drinking Water for the Public

Demands for cleaner drinking water in Baltimore City and County compelled Catonsville banker and philanthropist Victor G. Bloede to organize and Baltimore County Water & Electric Company in 1909.

In 1910, Bloede's company purchased the abandoned Avalon Iron & Nail ...

Old Waterworks

As early as 1754, water was pumped from a spring to a water tower, that stood east of here, through hollowed trunks of trees. It then flowed by gravity to five cisterns or reservoirs. Original engine house stands about 60 ...

Redwater Creek Engagement

While Union Maj. Gen. Benjamin F. Butler's Army of the James entrenched at Bermuda Hundred on 11 May 1864, Confederate Maj. Gen. Robert F. Hoke led parts of two divisions north from Petersburg to unite with Maj. Gen. Robert Ransom's ...

Chickahominy Water Trail

(left panel)

Sustaining a Credible Illusion

The Jamestown settlement was facing a severe food shortage in November of 1607. Captain John

Smith set out to trade for corn with the Indians living along this river. He traveled from one town to another, accepting ...

Headwaters Park

Architect Eric R. Kuhne was commissioned to design a flood control plan that would provide for a park and premier festival center. It could also serve as a model for flood control in other sections of the country. The Headwaters ...
