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Plaza Pública

The Emperor of Spain, Phillip II, decreed in 1576 that plazas in the "New World" colonies were to be created following his rigid requirements, namely that plazas were to be placed in the center of each settlement, with major government, ...

Faro de Los Morillos de Cabo Rojo

Located on an isolated point with white lime cliffs surrounded by lagoons and marshes, Cabo Rojo, built in 1882, marks the southeast entrance from the Caribbean Sea through Mona Passage into the Atlantic Ocean. Cabo Rojo's lighthouse has simple decorative ...

Convento de Porta Coeli

Dominican friars built the Convento de Porta Coeli in 1609 at the crest of a hill in what is now San Germán. During the 18th century the Convento was reconstructed and a church built next to it. The single nave ...

Castillo de Serrallés

The Serrallés Mansion was built in 1926 into the south side of "El Vigia," one of the rolling foothills north of Ponce's center, for Eugenio Serrallés, a leader in the local sugar cane industry. The house, designed by architect Pedro ...

Centro Ceremonial Indigena

The Centro Ceremonial Indigena, located in Tibes ward, close to the town of Ponce, is one of the largest and most important ceremonial sites in Puerto Rico. Archeological investigation and radiocarbon dating indicate that the site's major period of occupation ...

Church of San Blas de Illescas of Coamo

The Church of San Blas de Illescas of Coamo is separated from the open plaza below by a series of ceremonial steps and a delicate cast iron balustrade. Construction on the church began in 1661; it has since been judged ...

Casa Natal de Luis Muñoz Rivera

The Casa Natal de Luis Muñoz Rivera was the birthplace of distinguished liberal politician, journalist, orator and writer Luis Muñoz Rivera in 1859. Luis Muñoz Rivera collaborated on such newspapers as El Pueblo, Clamor del País and El Buscapié; he ...

Faro de las Cabezas de San Juan

The Spanish erected the lighthouse, officially lit on May 2, 1882, on the spot judged, in 1782, by Fray Iñigo Abbad y Lasierra, writer of the first formal history of Puerto Rico, as "the reference point of those who regularly ...

Parroquia del Espíritu Santo

Loiza parish's Parroquia del Espíritu Santo y San Patricio represents an ethically distinct community characterized by a rich Afro-Hispanic cultural and folk craft tradition. The church building, constructed in 1645, is one of Puerto Rico's oldest churches. The church's massive ...

El Capitolio de Puerto Rico

For Puerto Ricans, El Capitolio de Puerto Rico stands as a powerful symbol of self-government. Former resident Commissioner of Puerto Rico Luis Muñoz Rivera promoted the idea of constructing a capitol building as early as 1907; later he was the ...
