
Results for Erie

African American Sailors in the Battle of Lake Erie

These skilled seamen were among those who enabled Oliver Hazard Perry to defeat & capture a British Squadron, Sept. 10, 1813. Their participation - critical to victory - secured a place for African Americans in the region's history.

Marker can be ...

Wabash and Erie Canal Groundbreaking

On February 22, 1832, ground was broken two blocks north for the canal, which would link Lake Erie at Toledo with the Ohio River at Evansville. Jordan Vigus, Canal Commissioner, Charles W. Ewing, Samuel Hanna, Elias Murray participated in the ...

Ruggles' Batteries

After six hours of bloody fighting here, it became evident that Confederate infantry alone would not break the strong Union defenses along the Sunken Road and the thickets beyond. Toward late afternoon, Brig. Gen. Daniel Ruggles brought forward eleven batteries ...

John Pray - Founder of Waterville,Ohio / The Miami and Erie Cana

[East Side of Marker] : "John Pray - Founder of Waterville, Ohio"

Born in Rhode Island, John Pray (1783-1872) moved to the Maumee River Valley from New York shortly after serving in the War of 1812 and completing a prospecting ...

Stevens Point — Gateway to the Pineries

This plaque commemorates the pioneers who established Stevens Point during the 1840’s, 50’s and 60’s. Community life centered here at the foot of Main Street where supplies were transshipped from wagon to boat for the trip north to lumber camps. ...

Barton Heights Cemeteries

The Burying Ground Society of the Free People of Color of Richmond established its cemetery (later renamed Cedarwood) here in 1815. African Americans eventually founded five more cemeteries here: Union Burial Ground (later called Union Mechanics), Sons and Daughters of ...

Krider Nurseries World's Fair Garden

Side One:

Krider Nurseries constructed and exhibited Krider's Diversified Garden at Century of Progress International Exposition in Chicago 1933-1934. Some plants and structures were returned to Middlebury, and garden was reconstructed here 1935. After falling into decay, garden was restored by ...

Erie Extension Canal

Route of travel and trade, Pittsburgh to Great Lakes, 1840-1871. Important to the western Pennsylvania iron industry before the rise of the railroads. Lock #10, a guard lock, represents the only remaining canal lock.

Marker is on E. High Street Extension, ...

Erie Extension Canal

Part of the old channel lies near the highway. The Conneaut Line, from Erie to near Conneaut Lake, was begun by the State, 1838, and completed by the Erie Canal Company, 1843-44. Canal in use until 1871.

Marker is at the ...

The Miami and Erie Canal Lift Bridge


The lift bridge built in 1899 across the Miami & Erie Canal at Third Street (now Central Ave.), was the third bridge at this site since the canal began in 1825. An electric motor was used to raise the ...
