
Results for Headquarters

Kilpatrick Headquarters

On June 30, 1863, Gen. Kilpatrick, commanding the Third Division of the Union Cavalry, took headquarters in this building after part of his forces had been attacked by Confederate Cavalry SE of town.

Marker is at the intersection of Broadway (Pennsylvania ...

Western Headquarters of Russell, Majors, and Waddell

This was the site of the western business headquarters of Russell, Majors, and Waddell -- founders, owners, and operators of the Pony Express, 1860-1861. The firm's main office was in Leavenworth, Kansas. W.W. Finney was the western representative in San ...

Field Headquarters of the Union Armies.

Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant.

No. 9......................................U.

Field Headquarters of the Union Armies.

Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant

Nov. 25th, 1863.

General Grant was assigned to the Military Division of the Mississippi, comprising the Departments of the Ohio, the Cumberland, and the Tennessee, October 16th, ...

Site of House Occupied as Headquarters

Site of house occupied as headquarters of

Colonel George Rogers Clark before capturing

Fort Sackville from the British February 25, 1779.

It was a private house facing the Fort.

Later Colonel Henry Hamilton, British Commander

of the Garrison, was housed here after the surrender

and ...

Gen. Wayne Headquarters

Building erected in Colonial Period was headquarters of Gen. Anthony Wayne while his command was in York, Feb. - May, 1781, awaiting orders to join Lafayette in the Yorktown Campaign.

Marker is at the intersection of W. Market Street and Beaver ...

Gen. O. O. Howard’s Headquarters

Wallis House; June 19, 22, 1864

Following the withdrawal of Johnston’s forces, from the Mud Creek ~ Brushy Mtn. line, June 19, to the final one, which included Kennesaw Mtn., Howard’s 4th A. C. [US] moved E. from Hardee’s salient [CS]. ...

Headquarters Army of Tennessee

Gen. Braxton Bragg, Comd'g. in this city Sept. 10th to 17th 1863.

Marker is on Main Street (State Highway 1 / 136), on the right when traveling north.


Washington’s Headquarters

Washington made his winter headquarters at the Arnold Tavern, January 6, 1777, now a part of All Souls Hospital. December, 1779, he established quarters at the Ford Mansion, now maintained as a museum.

Marker is on Morris Avenue near Washington Avenue, ...

General Grant's Headquarters

General Grant’s headquarters at Appomattox Manor 1864-65 during the siege of Petersburg and Richmond. President Lincoln spent 3 weeks in City Point during April, 1865.

Marker is at the intersection of Cedar Lane and Pecan Avenue, on the left when traveling ...

Headquarters of Colonel Johann Gottlieb Rall

On this site stood the dwelling which was the headquarters of Colonel Johann Gottlieb Rall, Hessian Commander mortally wounded in the Battle of Trenton December 26, 1776 in which house he died the following day.

The dwelling was from November 30, ...
