
Results for L

41. Faircloth Rental

41. Faircloth Rental. 5188 Escambia Street. 1921. Craftsman
The house was built by a local bank
president David Faircloth for his son
James Faircloth. This cross-gabled
house was owned by the family until
the 1970s. The house is an excellent

39. Exchange Hotel

Exchange Hotel. 5185 Elmira Street. 1914. Renaissance Revival. 

The Exchange was built in 1914 as a telephone exchange office. Yet, after its completion, the telephone exchange office relocated and the building was immediately  re-purposed as a hotel. The building was designed ...

37. Mayer-McClure House

37. Mayer-McClure House. 5212 Elmira Street. Circa 1870. Frame Vernacular. The house was built by David and Isaac Mayer and served as the residence ofL.G. Mayer. This vernacular house steals from the Greek Revival style with its raised panel door ...

36. Landrum Stewart House

Landrum-Stewart House. 5226 Elmira. 1880. Frame Vernacular. This house exhibits characteristics of Creole Cottage style. This style is often associated with French Colonial style that is seen along the Gulf Coast. A distinguished feature of the Creole style is the steeply, ...

34. Collins Rental

34. S.G. Collins Rental. 5061 Combs Street. Circa 1915. Frame Vernacular. The house was built by S.G. Collins as a modest rental unit. The original house appears to be a Hall and Parlor type. This is a traditional house form ...

31. Old Post Office

31. Old Post Office. 6821 Caroline Street. 1940. Colonial Revival. This building was commissioned as a Work Progress Administration (WPA) project. It operated as a post office until 1984, when a new post office was built for Milton.

In 2016, ...

30. Odd Fellows Hall

Odd Fellows Hall. 5049 Canal Street. 1890. Frame Vernacular. The building was originally constructed as the Lodge for the Grand United Order of Odd Fellows. This fraternal organization was founded in New York, 1843 and membership has been principally African Americans. ...

29. E.L. Stewart House

E.L. Stewart House. 5055 Canal Street. Circa 1910. Frame Vernacular. This house is similar in its original form to the Beasley-English and Henderson Stewart House.

27. Beasley-English House

27. Beasley-English House. 5069 Canal Street. Circa 1900. Frame Vernacular. This house was built by W.M. Flouker, and later acquired by the Beasley family in 1921.

26. E.H. Beasley House II

26. E.S. Beasley House II. 5075 Canal Street. Circa 1921. Frame Vernacular. This house was also built by E.S. Beasley. The modest house exhibits bungaloid elements in its tapered porch posts and brackets.
