John Taylor Wood, CSN

And the Sinking of the USS Underwriter

In January 1864, General Robert E. Lee wrote to Confederate President Jefferson Davis that "a bold party" could descend the Neuse River to New Bern at night, capture Federal gunboats and use them to ...

Rowser’s Ford

5,000 Confederate Cavalrymen Crossed

On June 24, 1863, Gen. J.E.B. Stuart, leaving 3,000 cavalrymen in Rectortown, Virginia, to monitor Federal activity, led three Confederate cavalry brigades to Haymarket. Encountering Union Gen. Winfield S. Hancock’s corps marching north, Stuart sent Gen. Robert ...

Persian Gulf War Memorial

This monument is dedicated to the men and women of Henry Co. Who have served their country with pride and dignity in the Armed Forces of the United Stats of America

* * * * * * * * *

We loaned ...

CSS Neuse Confederate Ironclad Gunboat


Moored near the King Street Bridge, the Confederate States Ship Neuse, and ironclad gunboat, was outfitted in Kinston in late 1863 and early 1864.


An April 1864 attempt to take her downriver in a concerted attack on New Bern failed.


The CSS ...

Fort Burned by Indians

The Machackemech Chapter

Daughters of the Revolution

of Port Jervis

place this tablet to mark

the fort burned

by the Indians and Tories

under the command of

Joseph Brant

in the year 1779.

Rebuilt in 1793

Second Plaque:

This house was occupied for one hundred years (1865-1965) by the family of ...

Seneca Store

In 1900, Frederick Allnutt purchased the 1855 Darby House and 1½ acres of land from Wilson Tschiffely, who had recently acquired the property along with the nearby mill. Allnutt, who had been running a store next to the canal for ...

Colonial Roads

The town of Haymarket, chartered in 1799, owes its location to the junction of the Old Carolina Road and the north branch of the Dumfries Road at the site of the Red House. The Carolina Road developed from the Iroquois ...

Engagement at Whitehall

A Sharp Action

(Preface): Late in 1862, Union Gen. John G. Foster's garrison was well entrenched in New Bern and made several incursions into the countryside. On December 11, Foster led a raid from New Bern to burn the Wilmington ...

S. H. Kress and Co. Building

This property has been

placed on the


Register of

Historic Places

By the United States

Department of the Interior

Built 1927 ? Restored 2000

Marker is at the intersection of 5th Avenue North and Central Avenue, on the right when traveling north on 5th Avenue North.

Courtesy ...

C. B. Holt Rock House

African American Charles B. Holt owned a carpentry

business in Charlottesville’s Vinegar Hill neighborhood. The son of former slaves, Holt built this

Arts and Crafts-style house in 1925-1926, during

the era of segregation when blacks were more

than a quarter of the city’s population ...
