
Results for B

Traveling to Beardstown

Travel in Abraham Lincoln's time was time-consuming, dirty, and usually downright uncomfortable. On many of his trips, Lincoln traveled by train to Meredosia. From there he had the choice of a steamboat or a bone-jarring ride in a carriage over ...

The Beardstown Women's Club

Erected this tablet

February 12, 1909

In memory of

Abraham Lincoln

who, for the sake of a mother in distress, cleared her son Duff Armstrong of the charge of murder in this hall of justice.

May 7 1858

Marker is on West 3rd Street just ...

1st Missouri, Battery D

Battery D. 1st Mo.

Light Artillery


Was In Action 1200 Yds.

Northwest Of This Point

Nov. 25, 1863

Marker is on North Crest Road north of Lightfoot Mill Road, on the right when traveling north.


Black Dog Trail Campsite

[Title is the text]

Marker is on 4th Avenue near Ridgeway Street, on the right when traveling east.


Fourth Street Baptist Church

In 1900 the Mt. Canaan Baptist Church was established under the leadership of the Reverends John Bellamy and Willis Carter when a few men and women met under a fig tree on Third Avenue to worship. In 1901 Rev. Bellamy ...

Historic Camelback Bridge

The town of Normal was created at the junction of the Illinois Central and the Chicago and Alton Railroads. The Camelback Bridge is the last surviving structure in Normal associated with the railroad. Its location was chosen because here the ...

Washburn Historic Waterfront

Bigelow / Hines Railroad Trestle

In the early days of Washburn, the waterfront was filled with saw mills. The A.A. Bigelow Mill (1887-1902), later to become the Hines Mill, was the largest of three major sawmills in Washburn. It rested on ...

Bayfield Historic Waterfront

Eastern Waterfront / Ferry Dock

Bayfield’s history has been powerfully shaped by its location. Situated on the shores of a deep, natural harbor, the city is sheltered from Lake Superior’s notorious storms by the outlying Apostle Islands. Lighthouses, shipwrecks, and a ...

Bamberg's World War II Fallen and Missing

Bamberg Gedenktafel Tote des 2. Weltkriegs

[Marker text in German:]

Im Weltkrieg 1939-1945 fielen aus der Stadt Bamberg 1992 getreue deutsche Soldaten an den Fronten Europas u. Afrikas. Durch Bombenangriff gaben ihr Leben für die Heimat 242 Männer, Frauen, und Kinder. Vermisst ...

Log Cabin

Historical Monument

Circa 1834. Discovered when a section of a farmhouse was demolished. It was purchased by the Town & moved to this location in 1987. Before the Town was created, a primitive school was functioning in the cabin.

Marker ...
