
Results for L

Russell and Cannon Congressional Office Buildings

These first congressional office buildings are a set of nonidentical neoclassical twins that provide a visually appealing background for the United States Capitol. Both buildings are the oldest of the congressional office buildings, as well as fine examples of the ...

US Capitol

The United States Capitol is among the most symbolically important and architecturally impressive buildings in the nation. It has housed the meeting chambers of the House of Representatives and the Senate for two centuries. The Capitol, which was started in ...

National Archives

The National Archives, occupied in 1935, is the repository of the more valuable and rare documents of this Government as well as a reference library. On display in the Exhibition Hall are the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and the ...

Smithsonian Institute -- The Castle

The Smithsonian Institution Building, a National Historic Landmark, was designed by the prominent New York architect, James Renwick, Jr., who would later design the Renwick Gallery (originally the Corcoran Gallery of Art) in Washington, and erected on the Mall between ...

Memorial Bridge

Arlington Memorial Bridge and its related architectural, engineering, sculptural, and landscape features are significant as important elements in the Neo-classical urban design of the National Capital as it evolved during the first third of the 20th century. Successfully integrated with ...

Arlington Memorial and Arlington House

George Washington Parke Custis inherited the 1100-acre estate from his father, the only surviving son of Martha Washington. Like John Parke Custis, G.W.P. Custis was raised at Mount Vernon, and he dedicated much of his life to perpetuating the memory ...

Jefferson Memorial

The Thomas Jefferson Memorial, modeled after the Pantheon of Rome, is America's foremost memorial to our third president. As an original adaptation of Neoclassical architecture, it is a key landmark in the monumental core of Washington, DC The circular, colonnaded ...

The National Mall

The Mall is located in the area encompassed by Constitution and Pennsylvania Avenues, NW on the north, First Street on the east, Independence and Maryland Avenues on the south, and 14th Street on the west. The Mall is significant as ...

Lincoln Memorial

The Lincoln Memorial stands at the west end of the National Mall as a neoclassical monument to the 16th President. The memorial, designed by Henry Bacon, after ancient Greek temples, stands 190 feet long, 119 feet wide, and almost 100 ...

The Federal Triangle Historic District

The Federal Triangle is located between Pennsylvania Avenue, Constitution Avenue and 15th Street, NW and is part of the Pennsylvania Avenue National Historic Site. It is comprised of a unified group of important and prominent Federal office buildings. The 1926 ...
