Port of Darien

Situated ten miles from the Atlantic near the mouth of the Altamaha River, Darien attained prominence as a seaport in the 1820s. Rice and upland cotton from Georgia`s interior were shipped from the waterfront. From 1870 to 1900, Darien served ...

Norwood Community

This rural community was settled in the 1840s by William Coleson (W.C.) Norwood (1794-1885) and Eliza LeGrand Norwood (1808-1859). They migrated from North Carolina, where W.C. was a merchant and postmaster in the town of Norwood. The Norwoods were accompanied ...

McPeake Cabin

Robert and Permelia McPeake built this cabin near Rock Hill, Tennessee, in 1851. Danny and Rose Garner donated the cabin to the Parker's Crossroads Battlefield Association in 2006. After being painstakingly recorded, the cabin was dismantled and moved to the ...

Our Soldiers’ Cemetery

The Mount Jackson Confederate Hospital’s Cemetery,

now called Our Soldiers Cemetery, was dedicated on May 10, 1866 the third anniversary of Stonewall Jackson’s death. The “Memorial and Decoration Day” organized by the local ladies was one of the first such observances ...

A Very Successful Campaign

"We have worked, road, and fought hard"

On January 1, 1863 Forrest reached the Tennessee River. By 9 p.m. the entire command, more than 2,000 men and horses, six cannon, and a train of wagons, had crossed the river on the ...


Pete Walters of Ogilby discovered the first gold vien at Gold Rock on January 6, 1884. From his little Mary claim began a gold camp which reached its peak development between 1893 and 1899 as Hedges, with 3200 residents. Nearly ...

Mission San Fernando, Rey de España


1. Historical Museum

The museum exhibits a pictorial history of the mission, pottery, santos, trade and commerce items, together with an extensive collection of early mission baskets given by Marie and Mark Harrington.

2. Mayordomo’s House

The foreman of ...

Battlefield Overview

You are standing, more or less, on the old Lexington-Huntingdon Road. Behind you is the reconstructed split-rail fence, where the Union troops took position and faced General Nathan Bedford Forrest's unrelenting artillery assault and surprise attack on their rear. In ...

McNeill’s Last Charge

In the predawn darkness of 3 Oct. 1864, Capt. John Hanson McNeill led thirty of his Partisan Rangers, including local resident Joseph I. Triplett, against a hundred-man detachment of the 8th Ohio Cavalry Regiment that was guarding the Meems Bottom ...

Ringwood Manor Iron Complex

National Historical Mechanical Engineering Landmark

Ringwood Manor Iron Complex (1740-1931) was an important element in the early development of the iron industry in the United States. Among its leaders were the Ogdens, Peter Hasenclever, Robert Erskine – F.R.S., Martin Ryerson, Peter ...
