
Results for Court House

Martin County Court House

[ Bronze Plaque ]

This property

is listed in the

National Register

of Historic Places

by the United States

Department of the Interior

[ Engraved Stone ]

Martin County

Court House

Erected 1876

Donated by

Officials and Employees

November 1980

Marker is ...

Site of First Court House - School

From 1830 until it burned in 1839, a log building on this site served as the first Court house in Jasper and as the first school, which was taught by Simon Morgan, the County Clerk.

Marker is at the intersection of ...

Tipton County Courthouse

Romanesque Classical Revival Style building designed by Adolf Scherrer, architect of the 1888 Indiana State Capitol. It is Tipton County's third courthouse and was completed, 1894; placed in National Register of Historic Places, 1984; Restored 1988 - 1991.

Marker is on ...

Woodford County Courthouse

On this courthouse square in 1790 Jesse Graddy built, of logs, first of county's four courthouses. Total cost was $22.50. James and Henry Thompkins completed second one, of stone, 1794. Third hall of justice, built of brick in 1812-13, cupola ...

Morris County Court House


One of the finest examples

of public buildings in the

Federal style in New Jersey.

Original Court House on the

Green built in 1755.

Morris County Heritage Commission

Marker is on Washington Street (County Route 510), on the right when traveling south.


McCracken County Courthouse

1825~First courthouse built of logs at Wilmington

1832~County seat moved to Paducah.

1861~First courthouse at this site, then at edge of town.

1943~Present building occupied.

Marker presented by McCracken Co. Civic Beautification Board

Marker is on 6th Street.


Fresno County Courthouse

A temporary rough board building, containing county offices, was erected near the spot in the fall of 1874, about the time the cornerstone was laid for the original permanent courthouse. Fresno was selected by the voters in a previous spring ...

Second Courthouse

First courthouse at Wilmington, 1824~32. Second courthouse, a two story brick structure, 36 feet square, built near here at a cost of $3,049, on land given by Gen. William Clark, founder of Paducah. Courthouse also provided meeting place for various ...

Sesquicentennial Court House Site

Voters on July 17, 1854, selected Jackson as the county seat of the new County of Amador, born that June 14 after a spirited election. Fulfilling their promise, the Jackson town trustees, at no county expense, financed construction of the ...

The Court House Well

Under This Tablet Is

The Court House Well

Dug in 1851, 52 feet in depth

For generations it was a main

source of domestic water

for the community.

“Gone is the ancient equipment

but still the living water flows.”

Tablet dedicated June 29, 1940 by

Ursula Parlor No. 1

Native ...
