
Results for Joseph

Joseph C. Price

(1854–1893) Negro orator and teacher. A founder and president of Livingstone College. Born in Elizabeth City. House was 2 miles S.

Marker is at the intersection of Sourthern Avenue and Riverside Avenue, on the right when traveling north on Sourthern Avenue. ...

St. Joseph County Civil War Monument

[ Front Plaque ]

1861 –––– 1865

In grateful recognition of

the patriotism, services, and

sacrifices of our soldiers in

the war of the Union, we, the

people of St. Joseph County,

have erected this monument.

June 25, 1905

——––– ——–––

“When the years of Earth ...

General Joseph Eggleston Johnston

“Defender of the Southland to the end”

In memory and honor of Confederate soldiers

who fought at Bentonville Battlefield, North Carolina

during March 19-21, 1865

Erected by Sons of Confederate Veterans

Dedicated March 20, 2010

Sculptor: Carl W. Regutti

Marker is on Harper House Road, on ...

Joseph Clay, Patriot

A native of Yorkshire, Joseph Clay (1741-1804) settled at Savannah at the age of nineteen. His uncle, James Habersham, declared that his "industry" was "highly commendable" and "his Abilities for Trade unquestionable." Fulfilling his early promise, Clay prospered in Georgia ...

Joseph Habersham (1751-1815)

John Habersham (1754-1799)

James Habersham, Jr. (1745-1799)

The three Habersham brothers - who here rest beside their distinguished father, James Habersham - were prominent patriots in the American Revolution and outstanding public men during the early years of the republic.


Joseph Vincent McCarthy


New York Yankees 1931 - 1946

One of baseball's most beloved and respected leaders

led Yankees to 8 pennants and 7 world championships including 4 consecutive 1936 - 1939 compiling a .627 winning percentage

Erected by New York Yankees April 21, 1976

Marker is ...

Joseph Paul Dimaggio

"The Yankee Clipper"

1914 - 1999

Recognized as baseball's "greatest living player"

Lifetime batting average .325

Won MVP award 1939, 1941

Selected to All-Star Game 13 times

American League batting title 1939, 1940

Elected to Hall of Fame 1955

Set one of baseball's most enduring records, 56 ...

Summer Home of Joseph Habersham


This was the summer home of Joseph Habersham of Savannah (1751-1815), Georgia patriot, Revolutionary War hero, and political leader. He was a Colonel in the Continental Army, a member of Continental Congress, and of the Georgia Convention that ratified the ...

Joseph E. Wing

Joseph E. Wing was one of the first persons to identify, promote, and grow alfalfa as a forage crop east of the Mississippi River. He developed his interest in alfalfa while in Utah, where he worked on a cattle ranch. ...

Joseph Debenedetti Building

The decade of the 1870’s saw an influx of European immigrants into the Half Moon Bay area and over to the coast. Irish, German, Italian, and Portuguese made up the majority of the newcomers whose numbers included merchants, business people, ...
