
Results for Virginia

Johnson's Virginia Battery - McIntosh's Battalion

Artillery Reserve - Hill's Corps

Army of Northern Virginia

Hill's Corps Artillery Reserve

McIntosh's Battalion Johnson's Virginia Battery

Two Napoleons and Two 3 inch Rifles

July 1 In position on hill near Fairfield Road west of Willoughby Run. Not engaged though under fire and losing ...

Johnson's Virginia Battery - McIntosh's Battalion

Artillery Reserve - Hill's Corps

Army of Northern Virginia

Hill's Corps Artillery Reserve

McIntosh's Battalion Johnson's Virginia Battery

Two Napoleons and Two 3 inch Rifles

July 2 In position here and actively engaged under the heavy fire of Union Sharpshooters and artillery.

July 3 Remained in ...

Army of Northern Virginia

July 5, 1863

The Army on the march to the Potomac. Hill's Corps had the advance. Longstreet's the centre. Ewell's the rear. Hood's Division Longstreet's Corps started after sunrise. Early's Division Ewell's Corps started near noon and formed the rear guard. ...

Army of Northern Virginia

July 4, 1863

Ewell's Corps marched before dawn from the base of Culp's Hill and the streets of Gettysburg to Seminary Ridge and the Army remained in position on that Ridge throughout the day. Soon after dark Hill's Corps withdrew and ...

Army of Northern Virginia

July 3, 1863

Pickett's Division Longstreet's Corps arrived on the field early in the morning.

Robertson's and Jones's Brigades Stuart's Cavalry Division marched from Chambersburg via Cashtown and Fairfield to a position on the right flank of the Confederate Army. Jones's Brigade ...

Army of Northern Virginia

July 2, 1863

McLaws's and Hood's Divisions Longstreet's Corps marched from Marsh Creek to the field at Gettysburg. Law's Brigade Hood's Division marched from New Guilford to Gettysburg arriving about noon. Pickett's Division Longstreet's Corps marched from Chambersburg and arrived in ...

Army of Northern Virginia

July 1, 1863

Heth's and Pender's Divisions Hill's Corps marched from Cashtown to Gettysburg. Anderson's Division Hill's Corps marched from Fayetteville via Cashtown to near Gettysburg.

Rodes's Division Ewell's Corps marched from Heidlersburg via Middletown to Gettysburg. Early's Division Ewell's corps to ...

Army of Northern Virginia

June 30, 1863

Heth's Division Hill's Corps at Cashtown. Pettigrew's Brigade Heth's Division marched nearly to Gettysburg but was recalled. Pender's Division Hill's Corps marched from Fayetteville to Cashtown. Anderson's Division Hill's Corps remained at Fayetteville.

Rodes's Division Ewell's Corps marched from ...

Army of Northern Virginia

June 29, 1863

Heth's Division Hill's Corps marched from Fayetteville to Cahstown. Pender's and Anderson's Divisions remaining at Fayetteville.

Johnson's Division Ewell's Corps countermarched from Carlisle to Greenville Penna. Rodes's Division Ewell's Corps remained at Carlisle and Early's Division at York and ...

Army of Northern Virginia

June 28, 1863

Rodes's and Johnson's Division Ewell's Corps were at Carlisle. Jenkins's Cavalry Brigade was sent to reconnoitre the defenses of Harrisburg. Early's Division Ewell's Corps marched from Berlin by way of Weiglestown to York. Gordon's Brigade Early's Division marching ...
