
Results for B

Grimsby 1812 Bicentennial Flagpole

We dedicate this flagpole to the

Grimsby 1812 Bicentennial peace garden

in honour of the "Encounter at the Forty"

at this site on June 8, 1813, a turning point in

the War of 1812 by the United States and the British.

Also, to celebrate 200 ...

Naval Battle, 1864

The Confederate ironclad ram Albemarle, led by Capt. J.W. Cooke, crossed Batchelor's Bay, May 5, 1864, and fought seven Union warships 15 mi. E.

Marker is at the intersection of North Carolina Route 45 and Batchelor Bay Drive, on the left ...

Ausborn House

Sniper’s Nest

Bullet holes around the upstairs window of the Ausbon House are haunting reminders of a fight to the death here on December 10, 1862, when a Confederate sniper refused to surrender. Hoping to drive out the U.S. forces occupying ...

CSS Albemarle

Ironclad Gunboat

In 1863, 19-year-old engineer Gilbert Elliott contracted with the Confederate Navy Department to construct an ironclad gunboat designed by John L. Porter, the navy’s chief architect. Elliott built the vessel at Edwards Ferry on the Roanoke River, 60 miles ...

Night at the Gaithersburg Latitude Observatory

Latitude Observatory Park

Each night an observer would conduct a series of tasks as they made and recorded their observations; including rotating, aligning, and leveling the telescope, taking numerous readings of stars, weather and other factors.

A typical night at the observatory ...

The Chandler Wobble

Latitude Observatory Park

The Chandler Wobble is a small motion in the Earth's axis of rotation relative to the Earth's surface, which was discovered by American astronomer, Seth Carlo Chandler, Jr., in 1891. It is one of several wobbling motions that ...

History and Purpose of the Gaithersburg Latitude Observatory

Latitude Observatory Park

The Gaithersburg Latitude Observatory was constructed in 1899 as one of the original four stations selected by the International Geodetic Association to carry out systematic observations to measure the variations in latitude cause by the Earth's wobble on ...

Ryerson's Blockhouse

Near here stood one of three blockhouses erected by Captain James Paul's company in 1792, during the State's last troubles with the Indians. On April 17, 1792, soldiers carrying supplies from the Thomas Ryerson mill clashed with an Indian war ...

Belvedere Tower

Erected in 1869 as a lookout. It now houses the New York Meteorological Observatory which was founded in 1868 by Dr. Daniel Draper who was its director until his retirement in 1912. At which time the observatory came under the ...

The Church - "New Brick"

The Church

Unity Presbyterian Church, "Mother Presbyterian Church of Greene County, Pa." was organized August 27, 1814 at home of David Gray under direction of Rev. John Anderson and Rev. Joseph Stevenson, appointed by Presbytery of Washington, Pa. Elders selected and ...
