
Results for B


The Source of Life

While the Plains Indians hunted many kinds of animals, their very existence depended on the buffalo. The massive creatures supplied most of the meat for their diet. Every part of the great animal was used. Nothing was ...


The Plains Indians were inseparable from the land they roamed. The Plains were home to the buffalo, which the tribes followed during all but the winter months. Under the star-filled sky of the prairie, they showed reverence to the Great ...

Battlefield House

[Text on First Historic Marker]:

Battlefield House


Fifteen and one-half acres of


Property of

The women's Wentworth Historical Society


Given by this society to the

Niagara Parks Commission

as a National Historic Site

January 19, 1962

[Text on Second Historic Marker]:

Battlefield Park

Battlefield House (circa 1796)

Battlefield Monument (1913)

Designated under the ...

Baby Row

Miss Julia Coleman, the Plains High School superintendent, inaugurated Baby Row in the late 1930's. A special section of the school's Friendship Garden, Baby Row horned the "Little citizens of Plains."

Mothers with their new babies in arms came to ...

The Battlefield of Stoney Creek

The Battlefield of Stoney Creek

6th June 1813

In memory of 20 good and true King's Men who,

in fighting in defence of their country, died

and were buried on this knoll.

This revised inscription and stone re-dedicated

June 6th 1956


Her Majesty's Army & Navy Veteran's ...

Benjamin Cleveland

Colonel in Revolution, Whig leader in battle of Kings Mountain, state legislator. Home was on "The Round About," one mile southwest.

Marker is at the intersection of Elkin Highway (North Carolina Route 268) and Chatham Street, on the left when traveling ...

Wm. Pierce Bennett Kinard

In Loving Memory of

Wm. Pierce Bennett Kinard

1855 --- 1935

Founder of Epworth Camp Meeting

who deeded these grounds, eight

acres of land, to the Board of

Trustees on Jan. 4, 1907 to be

known as

Epworth Camp Meeting


Marker is at the intersection of Epworth Camp Grounds ...

Jimmy Carter's Boyhood Farm

From Here to Plains

Just down this path is the shady, swept-sand yard where the 39th President of the United States played as a boy, during the years of the Great Depression. This plain white farmhouse, these tangled woods, and these ...

Huffman Mill Bridge 1864-65/Pioneer George Huffman

Huffman Mill Bridge 1864-65

William T. Washer was contracted with Spencer & Perry Counties, July 1864 to build a 148 foot yellow poplar Burr Arch-Trust Bridge. (Patented by Theodore Burr 1771-1882). Contract payment called for Ten Thousand Dollars in "Lawful money ...

Next-door Neighbors

The nearest house to ours, between the barn and the main road, was the home of a special family.

Jack Clark was in charge of the barn, the mules and horses, the equipment and harness, and rarely worked in the ...
