
Results for L

Smallpox Epidemic

Near this location during the Civil War was the smallpox hospital where thousands of people were quarantined.

Highly contagious, horrible to behold and often fatal, smallpox was a dreaded disease. When the scourge hit the prison camp, officials built this ...

Point Lookout-Hammond Hospital

This monument is dedicated to the memory of those soldiers, sailors, and hospital attendants from both North and South, who were here at Point Lookout from July 1862 to July 1865.

This monument marks the general location of the Hammond Hospital

Marker ...

Maryland and the Confederacy

The U.S. Government, located in Washington D.C. was surrounded by Maryland and Virginia. Since Virginia had already joined the Confederacy, it was critical in the survival of the Union that Maryland not be allowed to secede. The State was quickly ...

North High School Indian Head

This unique Indian head was obtained and presented to Wichita High School North by the 1977 Senior Class as a gift from Mrs. Carl (Ethel) Kelley, a pioneer Wichita family.

1977 Senior Class Officers

William B. Williams, Pres.

Dale A. Goss, Boy's Vice-Pres.

Lisa ...

Jennings Building

808 Main


S. H. Jennings: 1901-1918

F. M. Benson: 1918-1920

Andrew Wilson: 1920-1941

E. H. Ruppelius: 1941-1974

Dorothy Fisher: 1974-1978

Joseph & Elizabeth Sears: 1978-1994

Elizabeth Sears Trust: 1994-


Unknown: 1901-1908

Wilson Jewelry: 1908-1918

Stutzman Jewelry: 1918-1920

Wilson Jewelry: 1920-1922

Ruppelius Jewelry: 1922-1966

Ruppelius Jewelry (Joseph Sears): 1966-

Marker is on Main Street (U.S. ...

Platting of Winfield, Kansas

823 Main

This corner marks the spot where in 1869 Colonel E. C. Manning placed the stake from which the City of Winfield was laid out. The first building in Winfield, Colonel Winfield's old log store, stood on this corner. In ...

Cowley County National Bank Building

The United States Department

of Interior

has placed this property on the

National Register


Historic Places

Marker is at the intersection of Main Street (U.S. 77) and 9th Avenue (U.S. 160), on the right when traveling north on Main Street.


Julien D. Wyatt



Easley High School 1915

Wofford College AB & MA 1919

Georgetown University LLB 1923

American University DCL 1926

Attorney, Banker, Civil Leader

Editor, Benefactor, School Trustee

Cofounder, Carolina National Bank (Easley Bank)

Cofounder, Home Building and Loan

President, Home Insurance Agency

Patron, Easley Library

(Pickens County Library)

Trustee, Easley Public Schools

President, ...

E. Janssen Building

Italianate Architecture, 1875

Janssen's General Merchandise, first elevator and first fireproof building in Eureka

This program made possible through a partnership with property owner Dolores Vellutini, Eureka Main Street, and the Eureka Heritage Society

Marker is on First Street east of E Street, ...

Fredrick William Beissner House

Designed by Galveston architect William H. Roystone for local real estate agent Frederick William Beissner (1854-1905) and his wife Mary, this Victorian-era home was built in 1888. Its elaborate Eastlake details include turned posts, jigsawn porch balustrades, recurring floral motifs, ...
