
Results for Bridge

History of San Mateo’s Bridges

In 1923, the cities of San Mateo, Burlingame, and Hillsborough began planning for a bridge to link the San Francisco Bay peninsula cities with East Bay and Central Valley communities. Even after the Dumbarton Bridge opened, in 1927, these municipalities ...

Ninth Street Bridge

Rachel Carson Bridge

Historic Landmark

Ninth Street Bridge

Department of Public Works, Allegheny County, Engineers

Marker is at the intersection of Ninth Street and Fort Duquesne Boulevard, on the right when traveling north on Ninth Street.


Navajo Bridge Erection Toggle Screw/Navajo Bridge

State of Arizona

This Erection Toggle Screw was used in the construction of the historic Navajo Bridge to maintain bridge vertical elevations and as a means of lowering bridge sections in place.

[Plaque Mounted on Bridge]:

State of Arizona

Navajo Bridge

Arch 616 feet • ...

Seventh Street Bridge

Andy Warhol Bridge

Historic Landmark

Seventh Street Bridge

Department of Public Works, Allegheny County, Engineers

Marker is at the intersection of Seventh Street and Fort Duquesne Boulevard, on the right when traveling north on Seventh Street.


Harrisburg Covered Bridge

400 yards south, this bridge was built over the East Fork of the Little Pigeon River in 1875 by Elbert Stephenson Early, an area resident who owned Newport Mills. The bridge had deteriorated and its loss was threatened until it ...

Sandy River Bridge

On October 30, 1792 off the point in the Columbia River where the Sandy empties its waters, the boat crew from the H.M.S. Chatham (Vancouver's Voyages) were the first white men to sight the snowclad peak which Lt. Wm. R. ...

Union Assault on the Bridge

Union General John G. Foster’s prime objective, the wooden covered Wilmington & Weldon railroad bridge, crossed the Neuse River here. After the 51st and 52nd North Carolina regiments were pushed back by the Union advance coming through the fields on ...

Germantown Covered Bridge

Side A

Restored in 1963, the Germantown Covered Bridge on East Center Street, spanning Little Twin Creek, was 93 years old and is reputed to be the only existing covered bridge of its kind in the world. For 41 years this ...

Cambridge Farms

In 1642, 11 men were proprietors of land grants in Lexington, using their land here for farming or holding it for speculation while living in Cambridge. By 1682, about 30 families lived in Lexington, then known as Cambridge Farms. Disliking ...

Battle of Goldsborough Bridge

December 17, 1862

Nearly 15,000 men clashed on these fields December 17, 1862. At stake was the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad bridge which spanned the Neuse River here. Confederate troops, outnumbered five to one, fought bravely to defend the bridge, ...
