
Results for Joseph

Gen. Joseph Neville / McNeill's Raid


Near here, grave of Gen. Joseph Neville; officer in Revolution; member of conventions of 1775 and 1776. With Alexander McLean of Pennsylvania, he completed survey of the Mason and Dixon line in 1782. His son, Joseph, was a general in ...

Joseph Vann's Town

About ½ mile N of here, a Chickamauga village was destroyed by Evan Shelby's punitive expedition of 1779. Following his expulsion from Georgia, this wealthy Cherokee chief built a homestead here, with three racetracks, about which a new village grew ...

Captain Joseph Wadsworth

Captain Joseph Wadsworth

Where You Are Standing

On October 31, 1687

Came Sir Edmund Andros to the

meeting house built on this site,

sent by the British Crown

to revoke Connecticut's Charter

and establish the Dominion of New England.

Captain Joseph Wadsworth, determined to

protect Connecticut's liberties,

stealthily ...

In Respectful Memory of Joseph M. Staples

Deputy Sheriff of El Dorado County

On Thursday, June 30, 1864 at about 10 PM two west-bound stage coaches of the Pioneer Stage Company were held up and the passengers robbed at gun-point at a location approximately 15 miles east of ...

Homesite of Joseph Emerson Brown

Joseph Emerson Brown (1821-1894), born in Pickens District, South Carolina, moved to Union County, Georgia, as a boy. The old Brown home was on the present site of the Woody Gap School, opened in 1941 for mountain students. Brown worked ...

Joseph Reid Gas Engine Company

Founded in Oil City, 1894, it produced engines for pumping oil wells. Its popular single piston engine was used worldwide by the oil industry. The company closed in 1939.

Marker is at the intersection of Main Street (Pennsylvania Route 8) and ...

Monsignor John Joseph Jessing

Monsignor John Joseph Jessing, founder of the Pontifical College Josephinum, was born in Germany in 1836. He immigrated to America and, in 1870, was ordained a priest in Columbus. He published a newspaper, the Ohio Waisenfreund (Ohio Orphans' Friend), raising ...

Joseph Buffet

Killed near this spot

in 1781 trying to regain

his cattle & sheep from a

British raiding party re-

turning to Huntington.

Marker is on Fort Salonga Road (New York Route 25A), on the left when traveling east.


Joseph Johns

In commemoration of

Joseph Johns

(Joseph Schantz)

The founder of the

City of Johnstown

Erected by citizens

of German descent of


June 16, 1913

Zum gedächtnis an

Joseph Schantz

Grüder der

Stadt Johnstown

Errichtet zum

hundertsten jahrestage

seines todes

18. Januar 1813

Von bürgern Deutscher

abkunft von Johnstown

Enthüllt 16. Juni, 1913

Marker is on Main Street near Franklin ...

François Joseph Paul de Grasse

This statue, a gift from France is placed here, overlooking the waters where Admiral Comte de Grasse successfully engaged the British Fleet on September 5, 1781. The “Battle of the Capes” prevented crucial reinforcements from reaching Cornwallis, thus hastening his ...
