
Results for World War I Memorial

Twinsburg World War Memorial

In honor of the Twinsburg boys

engaged in the World War

Orland R. Bishop • Ray E. Boose

Earl W. Bowen • Albert L. Cochran

Raymond E. Doubrava • Arthur L. Dunscomb

John A. Day • Lewis L. Davies

Eugene H. Evans • Louis W. Froelich

Tony ...

World War II Memorial

1939 - 1945

To the Glory of God

and the memory of our

Immortal Dead

Howard Mallock • Lawson Searles

Those who served our King and Country

Alison Alexander • Ronald Anthony • Wesley Anthony • George Babcock • Lydie ...

World War Memorial Bridge

Named and dedicated Oct. 31-1921

to the memory of all persons

from Franklin County who

served in the World War

Marker is at the intersection of Broad Street (U.S. 40) and Washington Boulevard, on the right when traveling west on Broad Street.


Taliaferro County World War I Memorial


Dedicated to those of Taliaferro County, GA. who offered their lives

in Humanity's defense

in the

War of the Nations

and in memory of

those who gave

their full measure

of devotion

Marker is at the intersection of Broad Street (U.S. 278) and Alexander Street, on ...

Tuscarawas County World War I Memorial

Spirit of the American Doughboy

In memory of the men and women of Tuscarawas County who served their country in the World War

Marker is on Broadway Street (Ohio Route 416), on the right when traveling north.


World War II Memorial

In Honor of the Hoboken Residents Who Gave Their Lives for Freedom

Dedicated to those 153 Hoboken residents

Who made the ultimate sacrifice through

Seflfess acts of bravery, courage,

And loyalty to our great country

And the principles of democracy.


Tuscarawas County World War II and Korean Conflict Memorial

A tribute to the living and dead of Tuscarawas County who served in World War II and the Korean Conflict.

Marker is on Broadway Street (Ohio Route 416), on the right when traveling north.


World War Memorial

North side


Erects this monument

in grateful memory

of all her sons

who served

on land and sea

in the

World War


West side


Ralph Anderson

Charles Bancroft

Frank Bessette

Albert Boulerice

George E Brayton

Roy A Buck

David Roy Burns

Francis J Carew

Harry Emerson Erving

David William Jameson

Charles C Kennedy

Ovila Lacas

Louis Marceau

Arthur Ouimette

Daniel Francis ...

The Second World War Memorial

Dedicated to the Glory of God and to the memory of these brave young men who gave their lives in the Second World War and whose names are here inscribed for all generations to read and remember. They died with ...

Atchison County World War I Memorial

Let us hold in grateful memory

the Atchison County men who gave all

for God, Country and Humanity in the

World War 1917-1919

[Roll of Honored Dead]

Private Bryan Amend

Co. C., 140th Inf., 35th Div.

Died at Ft. Sill, Okla., Feb. 1, 1918

Private Iradell Babcock

Caisson Co. ...
