
Saving the Guns

Gettysburg Campaign When Confederate Gen. J.E.B. Stuart led his cavalry division north across the Potomac River

into Maryland in June 1863, about 400 Federals and civilians were captured and then paroled

in Brookeville. At the same time, Confederate Gen. ...

In Honor of Company H

In Honor of Company H

To those who offered their

lives in defense of their ideals

and in memory of those who

*gave the last full measure of devotion*

Albert Nathness · Harry C. Nelson · Emmett C. Hill · *William H. Buckland · Thomas ...

Welcome to Sahuaro Ranch

Sahuaro Ranch was established in 1886, when William H. Bartlett filed a claim to 640 acres of public land at this site. Using irrigation water delivered by the Arizona Canal, which reached the Glendale area in early 1885, Barlett and ...

Rosalie Cemetery

This marker is placed as a memorial to those early settlers of Natchez whose buried remains were discovered here during the Natchez Bluffs Stabilization Project in 1999. This bluff was originally part of the property purchased on December 22, 1820, ...

Great Divide

You are now on the great divide which separates the two principal drainage areas of Wisconsin. Water falling to the west of this ridge runs down the Rock River into the “Father of Waters” and after 1,400 miles reaches the ...

Cooksville High School


Site of the first public high school for African Americans in Howard County. Original site of Warfield Academy, became Mount Gregory School in 1867 for African Americans and was the genesis of Mount Gregory Church. Was a public elementary school ...

Speed-of-Light Experiment

From this location instruments reflected light in 1926 to Mount Wilson, 82 miles northwest. The work was one of a series of experiments conducted by Nobel Prize-winning scientist Dr. Albert A Michelson to refine the value of the speed of ...

The Thirteen Adjacent Elms


The thirteen adjacent elms representing the thirteen original colonies were planted in commemoration of the bicentennial celebration of George Washington’s birth and to revere the ancient and honorable artillery company of Massachusetts organized 1637.

Marker can be reached from George Washington ...

The Liberation of Jane Johnson

In 1855, an enslaved woman and her two sons found freedom, aided by abolitionists William Still, Passmore Williamson, and other Undergroup Railroad activists. They escaped from their Southern owner while being transported through Philadelphia and settled later in Boston. The ...

Slave Cabins


Slaves actively resisted bondage by purposefully slowing down their work pace, faking illness, or even mutilating themselves in order to lessen their value as human property.

Resisting the inhumanity of their enslaved condition, slaves struggled to maintain a family life. Some ...
