
Results for Artillery

Battle Between Confederate Gunboats and Union Field Artillery

(December 12, 1864)

In December, 1864, was fought on the Savannah River near here one of the few battles in which Confederate gunboats and Union field artillery were engaged against each other.

Colerain Plantation, as these lands were then known, had been ...

Artillery Shed


Report from the Fort

30 September 1836 • Richard Delafield, Captain of Engineers

[The] erection of a gun shed, for such artillery and carriages as shall not be mounted in battery … may not … be perfected this fall.


Artillery Duel

On the morning of May 3, 1863, Union artillery at Fairview suffered the most intense artillery bombardment of the battle. More than 40 Confederate guns at Hazel Grove (visible 1,200 yards in front of you) concentrated their fire on 34 ...

Washington (La.) Artillery

Anderson's Brigade - Ruggles Division


Army of the Mississippi.

Washington (La.) Artillery,

Anderson's (2d) Brigade, Ruggles' (1st) Division,

Bragg's Corps.

This battery was engaged here April 7, 1862. Three of its guns were captured at 11 a.m., but were soon after recovered. The battery was ...

Battery A, 1st Illinois Artillery

W.H.L. Wallace's Division

(front of monument)


Battery "A",

1st Regiment Lt. Artillery,

2nd Division--W. H. L. Wallace,

Army of the Tennessee.

(back of monument)

Willard's Battery, "A",

Commanded by

Lieut. P. P. Wood.

Went into action about 9.00 a.m., April 6, 1862, and vigorously engaged the enemy in this and ...

Battery D, 1st Illinois Light Artillery

McClernand's Division


Battery "D"

1st Regiment Lt. Artillery

1st Division - McClernand

Army of the Tennessee

(Plaque on Back):McAllister's Battery "D"

commanded by

Capt. E. McAllister, wounded.

This battery of four 24 pounders went into action here about 9:00 a.m., April 6, 1863, holding this position until about ...

Battery B, 1st Illinois Light Artillery

Sherman's Division


Battery B

1st Regiment Lt. Artillery

5th Division - Sherman

Army of the Tennessee

(Plaque on Back):Taylor's Battery "B"

Commanded by

Capt. Sam'l E. Barrett.

Opened fire from this position April 6, 1862 and held it from about 7:30 until 10:00 a.m. when the Battery retired ...

Orleans Battalion of Artillery

Within this burial memorial rest some of the gallant defenders of New Orleans, members of the battalion which fought in honor on the plains of Chalemette on January 8 1815 against the British invaders.

Date of construction is unknown.

Restored ...

Battery D Fifth U.S. Artillery

Artillery Brigade - Fifth Corps

Army of the Potomac

Fifth Corps

Artillery Brigade

Battery D Fifth U.S. Artillery

Six Rifled 10 pounders

Lieut. Charles E. Hazlett commanding

July 2 Marched to the left of the Union Line about 4.30 p.m. and in rear of Brig. General J. ...

Union Artillery

When Gen. Curtis moved up the hill to the west Gen. Blunt moved south from Brush Creek through the woods to Loose Park. He drove the Confederates from a stone fence along 51st St. and formed a line there at ...
