
Results for L

Donner Party Camp at Alder Creek Valley / Tamsen and Elizabeth D

Donner Party Camp at Alder Creek Valley

In the Fall of 1846, 25 Members of The Donner Party became Trapped by an Early Snowstorm here at Alder Creek Valley. The George and Jacob Donner Families, their Teamsters, and Fellow Travelers ...

Eureka City Hall

Italian Renaissance Architecture, 1905-1960

Architect J.W. Rowell designed the masonry building which featured a classical entry portico, an elegant cupola with skylights, and street facades of granite blocks, buff-colored bricks, and sandstone detailing.

Built by the Lyon-Wilson Construction Company, this 110 ft. ...

Pecos Pueblo Mission

The largest of the mission churches at Pecos Pueblo, ca. 1625

La Iglesia mas grande de la mission de Pecos, ca. 1625


Liberty Ships – Born in World War II

1941 to 1943

Visit America’s answer to Hitler’s U-Boats – one of the last 2,710 identical armed Merchant Ships built to carry “beans, bullets and black oil" to our fighting men around the world. The goal was to build them ...

Cherokee Villages

Along the south side of the Little Tennessee River for about thirteen miles were ten villages of the Overhill Cherokees. They were Mialaque, Tuskegee, Tomotley, Toquo, Tennessee, Chota, Citico, Halfway Town, Chilhowee, Talassee. White encroachments began upon this site in ...

Delhi Bridge

(side 1)

The Delhi Bridge was one of many Pratt through truss iron bridges built to order by the Wrought Iron Bridge Company of Canton, Ohio, between 1876 and 1899 to span the Huron River. It was listed in the ...

Tennessee Valley Divide

The high ground you are on is part of a long ridge that divides central Tennessee. Streams south of the divide flow to the Duck and Tennessee Rivers, while streams to the north empty into the Cumberland River.

Travelers in the ...

Tobacco Farm - Old Trace

Tobacco Farm- You see here a typical early 1900's tobacco farm. A 10-minute loop walk takes you through the field and to the barn where you see tobacco hanging to dry.

Old Trace- From here you may drive north on a ...

New Tribes Bible Institute


Prior to any white settlers moving into this area, this large hill was the site of an Indian Village. The first building was a residence and nursery in the 1850s, later known as Hickory Grove Villa. After years of delay, ...

Tullie Smith House

The Tullie Smith House is a typical early Georgia plantation house. The form and details of which are known as the "plantation plain" style. The Smith House contains many characteristic architectural features of this type including: weatherboard siding, simple gable ...
