
Results for L

Serving the Fleet

By 1940 this navy yard supported a powerful fleet of modern steel ships. Where once carpenters, joiners, and sail- makers responded to the morning shipyard bell, now a shrill steam whistle summoned welders, boilermakers, and electronics specialists to their work ...

A Legacy of the Past

Box Canyon and Lomaki ruins are a short 15-minute walk from here, along the edges of ancient earthcracks. The 1/4-mile trail will take you back in time over 800 years to the remnants of this once-thriving community. You will see ...

Cayuga-Seneca Canal Entrance

At this point in 1828, water from Seneca Lake was first released into the newly constructed Cayuga-Seneca Canal, forming a navigable link to the Erie Canal. The waterway enabled commerce to flow between Seneca and the Hudson River and soon ...

Daily Life


An open area in the pueblo near the rim of the earthcrack is known as the plaza. In pueblos, the plaza was the center for many daily activities including grinding corn, making pottery, working obsidian into arrowheads, processing other plants ...

Sunset Crater Volcano

The distant San Francisco Peaks would have looked much like they do today. To the east, however, Sunset Crater Volcano would still have been belching black smoke and cinders when the Sinagua and Anaszi lived here. The thick layer of ...

Ancient Landscapes

Eight hundred years ago, a savannah-like grassland covered much of this high desert with abundant grasses. The residents would have collected and burned much of the nearby fuel, necessitating long walks to adjacent areas to gather wood. Sparse annual rainfall ...

Dry Land Farming

Volcanic activity to the south produced giant fissures or earth cracks throughout the Wupatki area in the Kaibab Limestone. This formation covers most of the western half of Wupatki National Monument. The Sinagua and Anasazi Indians who inhabited these ancient ...

Geneva Hotel

Site of Geneva Hotel Erected 1796 by Capt. Charles Williamson

Marker is at the intersection of Washington Street and Park Place, on the right when traveling east on Washington Street.


Medical College

Site of Geneva Medical College

Eliz. Blackwell received here in 1849 the first degree of M.D. ever conferred upon a woman.

Marker is on South Main Street (New York Route 14) ½ mile south of Hamilton St (U.S. 20), on ...

Le Bassin Rond

[The Round Basin]

1861, le vignoble est en plein essor et avec lui le village dont la population a plus que doublé depuis le début de siècle.

Pour les 2700 habitants, deux fontaines publiques ne suffisent plus. Une troisième, par souscription, est ...
