Statesboro Confederate Monument

South Face


In Memory Of


Confederate Soldier

1861 - 1865

West Face

" How many a glorious

name for us,

How many a story of

fame for us

They left ! Would it

not be a blame for us

if their memories part

from ...

College Creek

On May 12, 1607 the colonists who were the next day to establish Jamestown, landed at the mouth of this creek. Captain Gabriel Archer, one of the councilors, liked the spot and would have settled here but was outvoted. For ...

Forks of the Road

Three miles north lies the Mojave River and the site of Forks of the Road. This was the junction of two major travel routes: The Old Spanish or Salt Lake Trail and The Ancient Mojave River Trail. In the 1830s ...

94 South Street

ACCORD Freedom Trail

This has been the home to the Whites, one of the outstanding families active in the 1963-1964 civil rights movement in St. Augustine. Parents James (a decorated Buffalo Soldier from World War II) and Hattie Lee White both ...

Waterfowl Resting Area

The Knights did not choose this location for their hunting retreat randomly. It sits on the Atlantic Flyway, a primary migratory route for waterfowl. Currituck, as in Currituck County, comes from the Native American work carotank or "land of the ...

Thomas C. Gower Bridge

City of Greenville

Renovation of this historic bridge was completed in 2001. The first of many projects planned for the new millenium with the goal of enhancing the public's enjoyment of the historic Reedy River Falls area.

Knox H. White, Mayor

Lillian B. ...

Mount St. Helens - You Are Edge of the Blast Zone

The eruption of Mount St. Helens on May 18, 1980 triggered a huge landslide causing a powerful, laterally directed blast. A pyroclastic flow consisting of rock fragments, highly charged gas and super heated steam, devastated almost 150,000 acres of private, ...

Army Camp

½ Mile ?

While West Point defences

were being built 1781

the Connecticut Line

encamped along the brook.

Marker is on Bear Mountain Beacon Hwy (New York Route 9D) south of Beverly Warren Road, on the right when traveling north.



The town of Nipton was born on February 9, 1905 with the coming of the first train on the newly constructed San Pedro, Los Angles and Salt Lake Railroad. Originally called Nippeno Camp after a nearby gold discovery, the name ...

World War II Memorial

Vermilion County, Illinois

[Upper - Center Panel]:

Honor and Glory to our Fighting Heroes

Condolence to those who’s loved ones have fallen in battle, and a proud though regrettable chapter in Vermilion County’s History of World War 2.

[Lower - Center Panel]:

Reflections on Victory

No ...
