
Results for L

Le Domaine CASTRES

Une “campagne” au coeur du village. Malgré le patronage officiel de Rouget de Lisle, pour les gens du cru, le “plan de Castres” sert toujours à designer la place et tour le quartier.

[Translation by Google Translate (with modifications):


A ...

Les Remparts

[The Ramparts]

Capestang a connu plusieurs enceintes successives pour accompangner sa croissance durant le Bas Moyen Age. Ce vestige appartient à la dernière, construite à la demande de l’archevêque de Narbonne en 1356, en pleine guerre de Cent Ans. L’année précédente, ...

The Philadelphia Zoo

“America’s First Zoo.”

Chartered 1859 as the Zoological Society of Philadelphia. A wildlife refuge and a zoological garden, the zoo has long been committed to fulfilling its public mission: conservation, research, education, recreation.

Marker is on Zoological Street, on the ...

The Nations Capital Begins Here 1791-1793

Jones Point Park

After the Revolutionary War, the new nation searched fora permanent seat of government. President George Washington favored a 10-mile square territory along the Potomac River that encompassed the economically important ports of Georgetown and Alexandria. In 1791, the ...

Abraham Lincoln - As - A - Boy Statue

The sculpture of Abraham Lincoln – as – A – Boy was created by the Daub Firmin Hendrickson Sculpture Group, and dedicated May 31, 2008. The Group designed the granite bearing the Gettysburg Address and excerpts from Lincoln’s Second Inaugural ...

D.C.'s First Building Block

Jones Point Park

In 1791, surveyors on Jones Point began to lay out the ten-mile square that would become Washington, D.C. The first marker for the survey—the south cornerstone—was set in place on this spot. Although the stone within this protective ...

City of Hillsboro

In 1853, the Texas Legislature carved Hill County out of Navarro County. Named for physician and Republic of Texas Secretary of War Dr. George Washington Hill, the new county had only recently attracted Anglo settlement, following the establishment in 1848 ...

A Village/Abandonment

A Village

You are entering the “Citadel,” a ruin from the late 1100s. Research has not been completed so it is important that we leave things as they are. Will there be extra storage spaces found, possible evidence for the defense ...

The Citadel / Natural Features

The Citadel

It was a remarkable achievement, to use primitive mortar and local stones to build the walls above you straight up from the edge of the top of the rock. “The Citadel” is the modern name given to this ruin ...

The Main Plaza

This is Castillo San Felipe del Morro’s main plaza, called the plaza de armas. Completed around 1780, it looked then much as you see it now. This plaza witnessed the activities of daily life in a Spanish fortress for more ...
