
Results for L

La maison Lignon

[The Lignon house]

La bâtisse actuelle est la version villageoise de cháteau pinardier. Ce bel exemple de maision bourgeoise de l’Age d’or de la viticulture de masse : toit d’ardoises, tourelle (1888) été restauré avec soin par Roger LILLLE.

Sur cet emplacement ...

La maison romane

[The Romanesque house]

La maison romane

Construite probablement au XIIe siècle, elle a pu être la demeure d’un chanoine (ancienne rue de Chapitre).

Au dessus du portall, I’inscription PAX DOMUI...M...AT, sûrement inspirée de l’évangile de Luc, renvoie à sa bénédiction.

[Translation by Google ...

La collégiale Saint Etienne

[The church of Saint Etienne]

Sa construction lancée à partir de la fin de XIIIe siècle, se poursuivit au début de XIVe en provoquant la destruction travée par travée de l’édifice roman de la fin du Xie siécle qui la précédait. ...

Rafle Du 9 Juin 1944

[Roundup of 9 June 1944]

Sur cette place, le 9 Juin 1944, 179 hommes de 18 à 40 ans furent rassemblés puis transférés en Allemagne par des SS qui avaient investi le village en représailles et déjà abattu Pierre Marty près ...

The Heart of San Cristobal

You are standing in the heart of Castillo San Cristobal, its main plaza, or plaza de armas. Completed by 1797, it looked then much as you see it now. This plaza de armas witnessed the daily events of military life ...

Three Flags

The National Park Service flys three flags over the fortifications at San Juan National Historic Site: the Burgundy Cross, the flag of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the flag of the United States of America.

The Burgundy Cross was ...

Life and Work in the Navy Yard 1812

During the day, workers at the Charlestown Navy Yard built, repaired, and supplied American warships. In the evening, theses men left for their homes. Only the Commandant, a few administrative officers, and a detachment of Marines stayed behind. The Commandant ...

Barge "Emerald"


Tribute and Memorium

to those

who went down with the

Barge “Emerald”

within sight of this point,

on Nov. 18, 1886.

Sponsored and erected by

H. J. Baumeister.

May 30, 1938.

Marker is at the intersection of North Main Street and Wisconsin Route 42, on the left when traveling ...

Logan's Speech

[Text on top front of marker]:

Logan's Elm

Height of tree 104 Ft., Spread 154 Ft.,

Circumference of Body 23 Ft.

[Text on bottom front of marker]:

Logan's Speech


"I appeal to any white man to say if ever he entered Logan's Cabin hungry and he ...


An Englishman's country estate known previously as Moshannon Hall, built in 1813 by Hardman Philips, brother of Henry Philipsburg's founder in 1797. The house includes 25 rooms and 13 fireplaces.

Marker is at the intersection of East Presqueisle Street and Sixth ...
