
Results for R

Bronson Park Mound

Ancient American Indian Mounds

When Europeans first entered North America they encountered large earthen mounds, many with elaborate buildings on them. Built over centuries, southeastern ...

Gathering Place

The Gathering Place

This natural prairie was a gathering place for the Pend d’Oreille people digging camas, the Swan Valley’s first homesteader Ben Holland who in the late 1800s-early 1900s brought hunters together for pack trips, mapmakers and surveyors gathering ...

Old Condon Ranger Station

The Condon Ranger District, Flathead National Forest, was established after the consolidation of two smaller districts. The ranger station was shown on a 1913-14 Government Land Office map near Condon and Smith Creeks on 120 acres used in 1911 for ...

photo_library library_music
9. Mints-Merchant House

9. Mints-Merchant House. 6767 Berryhill Street. 1890. Frame Vernacular. This side-gabled house exhibits strong elements of Carpenter Gothic style with its bonnet front porch, gingerbread barge-board and the steeply pitched front gable on the front facade.

Carpenter Gothic, also known ...

Huehueteotl Ceramic Figure

A perfect example of a fascinating object that most visitors to HMNS don’t see, this ceramic figure of Huehueteotl is of Classic Veracruz origin. The Classic Veracruz Culture existed from roughly 100-1000 AD and is largely unknown to the general public ...

Ceramic Plate- Isthmus of Panama

The Houston Museum of Natural Science was founded in 1909 – meaning that the curators of the Houston Museum of Natural Science have been collecting and preserving natural and cultural treasures for a hundred years now. For this yearlong ...

John P. McGovern Hall of the Americas

The John P. McGovern Hall of the Americas celebrates the remarkable diversity and extraordinary accomplishments of the indigenous peoples of the Americas, as well as the continuity of their rich cultural traditions.

See the Museum’s magnificent collection of rugs, pottery, ...

15. The Collins-Mitchem House, 6819 Berryhill Street

Collins-Mitchem House. 6819 Berryhill Street. Circa 1925. Frame Vernacular. This house has a unique composition of style with an emphasis on Prairie elements that feature Craftsman columns that support a deep, wide one story porch. The wide eaves with exposed ...

14. First Methodist Chuch, 6830 Berryhill Street

6830 Berryhill Road – First Methodist Church


The Church that stands today at the intersection of Berryhill, Broad and Willing Streets was built in 1936.  It was constructed after two other church buildings made of wood were destroyed by ...

Glover Field

A large open area situated on a terrace near the east end of the Peaceful Valley neighborhood, just west of downtown Spokane, was purchased by the City in 1912 to build an athletic stadium. Originally named Municipal Field, the area ...
