
Results for R

Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce

"Hear me my Chiefs, I am tired. My heart is sick and sad. From where the sun now stands, I will fight no more forever."

With these words, Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce surrendered to Colonel Nelson A. Miles of ...

Henry B. Tompkins House

The Henry B. Tompkins House and its landscaped gardens are an outstanding example of the work of Neel Reid, one of the most respected early 20th-century Atlanta architects. Totally unaltered in design and plan since its construction in 1922, the ...

Garden Hills Historic District

The Garden Hills Historic District is an early 20th-century residential neighborhood located five miles north of the central business district of Atlanta. The roots of this planned community came from the growing use of private automobiles after WWI, allowing citizens ...

Site of German Prisoner of War Camp Known as Camp Tonkawa

World War II


Legend [and POW Camp diagram]

See other side for story


Between October and December 1942 more than 900 construction workers labored 24 hours a day to build Camp Tonkawa on the quarter section immediately north of this marker SE¼ Sec ...

The Southwest Boulevard Fire

August 18, 1959

Firefighter Virgil Sams

Captain George Bartels

Firefighter Delbert Stone

Firefighter Neal Owen

Captain Peter Sirna

Civilian Francis J. Toomes

To each who come before this

memorial in remembrance of the final

fire for these six, we pray ...

Flags Flown Over Oklahoma

First Flag

Royal Standard of Spain

Coronado's Expedition


Second Flag

Great Union of Great Britain

Carolina Land Grant

Included Oklahoma


Third Flag

Royal Standard of France

LaSalle Claimed the Territory

Drained by the Mississippi


Fourth Flag

Bourbon Standard

of the Spanish Empire

Ceded by France to Spain,

Treaty of Paris


Fifth Flag

Standard of the

French Republic

Province of ...

Derrick Van Veghten House

Circa 1725

The house stands on its original site over looking the Raritan River. The land was once part of an 834 acre plantation that Derrick’s father, Michael, purchased in 1697. Derrick, who was born here in 1699, was a prosperous ...

Rogers Works

Thomas Rogers, one of the most celebrated builders of railroad locomotives, built a plant on this site in 1832

Marker is on Market Street.


Les jardins de la Berbie

Gardens of the Berbie Palace

Entre 1687 et 1703, Hyacinthe Serrori, premier archévêque d’Albi, aménage un lieu d’a rement dans l’ancienne basse cour de Berbie et transforme la muraille en promenoir. La Berbie perd ainsi son côté défensif et la ...

Les berges du Tarn

The Tarn riverbanks

La rive gauche du Tarn correspond à un quartier peuplé dès le Haut Moyen Âge: le secteur des «Combes» .

Ce nom évoque une topographie en forme de gouttière descendant vers le Tarn. Les Combes établissaient un ...
