
Results for R

Layton, New Jersey

Layton, once known as Laytons, was originally named Centreville. This village was settled by John Layton in the early 1800's. The first business here was owned by blacksmith Simeon Fisher, followed by Abraham Bell who established a carpenter's shop and ...

Le palais de la Berbie

[The Bishop's Palace]

La construction

Le nom du palais vient du mot occitan «bisbia» , devenue «verbie» puis «berbie» et qui signiffie évêché.

L’édification du palais se déroule en de nombreuses étapes : la construction elle-même s’étale entre 1228 et 1306. Par la ...

A Place of History

Point Lookout is a witness to much of our nation’s history. As you survey the vast expanse of Chesapeake Bay and the Potomac River, remember those who have come before.

Early Inhabitants

Five thousand years ago, Native Americans first came to this ...

A Seaside Resort at Point Lookout

The grassy area in front of you was once the site of a major resort. The geared wheels peeking out of the grass are all that remain. They were part of a power plant that provided lighting for the resort’ ...

Hôtel Reynes

(XVIe siecle)

Fleuron de la Renaissance albigeoise, cet hôtel fut contruit pour Roger Reynès, marchand enrichi par le commerce du pastel au début XVIe siecle.

À l’intérieur. Une belle cout associe briques et pierres; elle est bordée d’un côté, d’une galerie-loggia à ...

The Secretary's Office

Officials decided to build the Secretary's Office in which to protect the public papers of the Virginia colony after a fire destroyed the first Capitol in 1747. Completed in 1748, the building was designed to be fireproof. This building also ...

Charlton's Coffeehouse

Constructed as a store and residence in 1750, the building was converted into a coffeehouse and operated by Richard Charlton in the mid 1760s. In October 1765, the coffeehouse was the scene of resistance to the British Parliament's Stamp Act.

Marker ...

Pasteur and Galt Apothecary Shop

William Pasteur and John Minson Galt traveled to England to study medicine before returning to Williamsburg to practice. They were partners in this apothecary shop from 1775 to 1778. In addition to dispensing drugs, they provided surgical, midwifery and general ...

The Raleigh Tavern

During Public Times Virginia leaders often met at the Raleigh, Williamsburg's most popular inn. Here in 1769 a group of burgesses adopted the proposal of George Mason for a boycott of British goods. Five years later Burgesses again met in ...

Ici Naquit Beziers

VII Siècle Avant J.C.

Durant plusieurs siècles, les alluvions abandonnées par l’Orb dans ses débordements avaient pu laire oublier que site commandait le gué qu’utiliserent les population migrantes et les troupes en armes carthaginoises ou romaines. En 1856, les archéologues de ...
