
Results for A Battlefield Landmark

National Historic Landmark -Guilford Court House Battlefield

National Historic Landmark -Guilford Court House Battlefield

On 15 March, 1781 the British Army defeated Major General Nathanael Greene at Guildford Court House in one of the most intense battles of the Revolutionary War.

The victory cost Cornwallis over one-fourth of ...

National Historic Landmark - Okeechobee Battlefield

The three-hour battle at Okeechobee was the largest engagement of the Second Seminole War. Zachary Taylor's decisive victory at Okeechobee on December 25, 1837, marked the turning point in the War and paved the way for General Taylor's political career.

Information ...

National Historic Landmark-Bennington Battlefield

National Historic Landmark- Bennington Battlefield

The American militia's victory at the Battle of Bennington (16 August, 1777) contributed significantly to the defeat of British General Burgoyne's army at Saratoga two months later.

The defeat also discouraged Burgoyne's already uneasy Indian allies and ...

National Historic Landmark-Fallen Timbers Battlefield

National Historic Landmark- Fallen Timbers Battlefield

On August 20, 1794, General ,Mad Anthony, Wayne's victory here over the Indians at Fallen Timbers asserted American sovereignty in the Old Northwest and made possible the Treaty of Green Ville.

The battle and treaty ...

National Historic Landmark-Washita Battlefield

National Historic Landmark- Washita Battlefield

Washita Battlefield protects and interprets the site of the Southern Cheyenne village of Peace Chief Black Kettle that was attacked by the 7th U.S. Cavalry under Lt. Col. George A. Custer just before dawn on November ...

National Historic Landmark-Bushy Run Battlefield

National Historic Landmark-Bushy Run Battlefield

Fought in 1763, the Battle of Bushy Run was a decisive British victory during Pontiac's Rebellion, the best-organized 18th-century campaign by Native Americans against Anglo-American frontier settlements.

Courtesy National Park Service National Historic Landmarks

National Historic Landmark-Brandywine Battlefield

National Historical Landmark- Brandywine Battlefield

Here Washington's Continental army fought British forces under Lord Howe on September 11, 1777. Although the battle was an American defeat, the Continentals withstood the determined attack of British regulars, even while sustaining heavy losses.

Courtesy National ...

National Historic Landmark-Camden Battlefield

National Historic Landmark- Camden Battlefield

On August 16, 1780, an American army under General Horatio Gates, victor at Saratoga (1777) and a favorite of the Continental Congress, was routed by a British army half its size led by Lord Charles ...

National Historic Landmark-Franklin Battlefield

National Historical Landmark- Franklin Battlefield

Early on the afternoon of November 30, 1864, Gen. John Bell Hood, against the advice of his staff, ordered his Army of Tennessee to attack Union forces under the command of Maj. Gen. John M. Schofield. ...

National Historic Landmark-Resaca De La Palma Battlefield

National Historic Landmark- Resaca De La Palma Battlefield

In the early hours of May 9, 1846, after the battle of Palo Alto, Mexican forces under Maj. Gen. Mariano Arista retreated to Resaca de la Palma; Brig. Gen. Zachary Taylor and his ...
