
Results for All Veterans Memorial

Chase County All Veterans Memorial

"And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the Protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor"

--The Declaration of Independence

The Chase County All Veterans Memorial is ...

All Veterans Memorial

In Memory of

Those who gave so

Much for so Many

Marker can be reached from North Main Street (County Route 350 E) north of Desoto Street.


Fallston Veterans Memorial

We did it

not for the glory

but for God,

country and each other

forever brothers

and sisters

Marker is at the intersection of Friendship Drive and Smith Drive, on the right when traveling north on Friendship Drive.


Allen County Veterans Memorial

A tribute to honor

those who served

our country in the

armed forces

Marker is on Main Street, on the left when traveling north.


Floral Hills All American Veterans Memorial

In Memory of All American Veterans

These flagpoles are dedicated to the memory of our loved ones who served in the Armed Forces.

The American Veteran - Forever a symbol of heroism, sacrifice, loyalty, and freedom

[Separate markers, around the base of the ...

Warren County All Veterans Memorial

In Memory Of

All American Veterans

This memorial honors all American

veterans who, although separated by

generations, shared a comon

undeniable goal -

to valiantly protect

our country's freedoms.

The memories of these American

veterans will continue to live

on whenever and wherever

democracy exists.

The American veteran -

forever a ...

Sunset Cemetery All Veterans Memorial

Dedicated to those who answered the call of our country in times of strife.

Our free America lives on in peace defended by their heroism.

[Dedication marker immediately in front of memorial]:

Erected by

Howard M. Harrison Post 9092

Veterans of Foreign Wars

in memory of

Howard ...

American Merchant Marine Veterans Memorial Wall of Honor


American Merchant Marine Veterans

Veterans Memorial

Wall of Honor

Dedication: National Maritime Day, May 22, 2003

[List of state and local government officials]

Gene Frank Construction, Builder

Randall B. Montgomery, Engraver

Jerry Sturm, JSA, Design Architect

American Merchant Marine ...

Missouri Valley Veterans' Memorial

Left column

God Bless America

Seals of Armed Forces

Center column

In Honor of All Those Who Served This Great Nation in War and Peace Time

American Flag


Right column

The Land of the ...

All Veterans Honor Roll Memorial

[ Center Section - Front ]

This monument is a memorial to all veterans of Jackson County and dedicated to those who made the supreme sacrifice in the defense of these United States of America.

( - “Seals”- U.S. Branches of Military ...
