
Results for Baltimore

Baltimore Infirmary

On this site in 1823 the faculty of the University of Maryland College of Medicine erected the Baltimore Infirmary, the first teaching hospital associated with a degree-granting school of medicine and the original residency program in medical education. The Infirmary, ...

Baltimore Riot Trail

Last Shots at Camden Station


On April 19, 1861, Confederate sympathizers attacked the 6th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment as it changed trains en route to Washington, which the secessionists hoped to isolate. To learn more about the Baltimore Riot, the ...

Baltimore Regional Trail

A House Divided

During the Civil War, Baltimore and its environs exemplified the divided loyalties of Maryland's residents. The city had commercial ties to the South as well as the North, and its secessionist sympathies erupted in violence on April ...

Baltimore Hundred

Prior to 1775 this hundred was claimed as part of

Worchester County, Maryland being named for Lord

Baltimore. After boundary line between Maryland

and Delaware was confirmed, Baltimore Hundred became

part of Sussex County, Delaware.

Marker is on Vines Creek Road ...

Baltimore Boulevard

The asphalt slabs you just walked on are pieces of Baltimore Boulevard, a 15-mile road built by developers in the 1950s and destroyed by a storm in 1962. These broken slabs are now used only by gulls, which drop and ...

Baltimore and Ohio Roundhouse and Shop Complex

National Civil Engineering Landmark. The re-construction of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Roundhouse and Shop Complex commenced soon after the end of the American Civil War in 1865. This complex included two roundhouses and two significant shop buildings. The centerpiece ...

Bringing Trade to Baltimore

"Make easy the way for them and then see what an influx of articles will be poured upon us." - George Washington, 1786

You are standing on the original roadbed of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, North America's first common-carrier railroad. ...

The Baltimore County Water and Electric Company

The basin in front of you and the house beside you are remnants of the Baltimore County Water and Electric Company that operated here from 1910 to 1922. the company, founded by Victor G. Bloede, supplied pressurized water to parts ...

Baltimore County Courthouse

Separation of Baltimore City and County effective July 4, 1851. Towsontown was chosen as County Seat by popular vote February 13, 1854. The Courthouse of local limestone and marble was completed in 1855 at a cost of $30,000. Enlarged in ...

Baltimore County Courthouse

Separation of Baltimore City and County effective July 4, 1851. Towsontown was chosen as County Seat by popular vote February 13, 1854. The Courthouse of local limestone and marble was completed in 1855 at a cost of $30,000. Enlarged in ...
