
Results for Batteries E

Batteries B & L, Second U.S. Artillery

First Brigade - Horse Artillery - Cavalry Corps

Army of the Potomac

Cavalry Corps

First Brigade Horse Artillery

Batteries B & L Second U.S. Artillery

Six 3 inch Rifles

Lieut. Edward Heaton Commanding

July 2 Arrived near the battlefield at ...

Federal Batteries on Tybee Island

Between February 21 and April 9, 1862, Federal troops under Gen. Quincy A. Gillmore erected 36 guns in 11 batteries, extending eastwardly on Tybee Island from Lazeretto Creek opposite Fort Pulaski. Two of the Federal batteries consisted of rifled cannon. ...

Horse Batteries and Reserve Artillery


Horse Batteries and Reserve Artillery,

Army of the Potomac.

(September 17, 1862)

Horse Batteries A, B and L (Consolidated) and M, 2nd U.S. Artillery, C and G (Consolidated) of the 3d U.S. Artillery, were established on the crown of the ridge to the ...

Batteries B and L, 2d U.S. Artillery


Batteries B and L, 2d U.S. Artillery.

Captain Jas. M. Robertson, U.S.A., Commanding

(September 17, 1862.)

Horse Batteries B and L (Consolidated), 2nd U.S. Artillery, crossed the Antietam by the Middle Bridge, in the forenoon of September 17, and went into position on ...

Batteries C and G, 3d U.S. Artillery


Batteries C and G, 3d U.S. Artillery.

Captain Horatio G. Gibson, U.S.A. Commanding.

(September 17, 1862.)

Horse Batteries C and G (Consolidated), 3d U.S. Artillery, crossed the Antietam in the forenoon of September 17, and went into position a short distance south of ...

Batteries F & K, Third U.S. Artillery

First Regular Brigade - Artillery Reserve

Army of the Potomac

Artillery Reserve

First Regular Brigade

Batteries F& K Third U.S. Artillery

Six 12 pounders

Lieut. John C. Turnbull Commanding

July 1 Took position on crest of hill near General Meade's ...

Batteries 5 and 6

Fire from these positions played an important role in stopping the British attack on January 8, 1815. The cannons displayed hers represent batteries 5 and 6, which defended the center of Major general Jackson’s line. The field carriages were painted ...

Three Batteries

On the hills

back of this stone

stood three batteries

guarding this pass

1776 – 1783


Melzingah Chapter

Daughters American Revolution


Marker is on Albany Post Road (U.S. 9), on the left when traveling north.


Batteries 2 and 3

On January 8, 1815, the guns positioned here fired at British counter batteries located almost ½ mile in front of you. During the battle, these guns caused heavy casualties as the British advanced along the levee road.

The troops attacking to ...

Batteries A and C 4th U.S. Artillery


Batteries A and C 4th U.S. Artillery.

Lieut. Evan Thomas, U.S.A., Commanding.

(September 17, 1862.)

Batteries A and C (consolidated), 4th U.S. Artillery (6 guns), relieved Battery I, 1st U.S. Artillery just north of this point and went into position, the left of ...
