
Results for Battle Field

Battlefield House

[Text on First Historic Marker]:

Battlefield House


Fifteen and one-half acres of


Property of

The women's Wentworth Historical Society


Given by this society to the

Niagara Parks Commission

as a National Historic Site

January 19, 1962

[Text on Second Historic Marker]:

Battlefield Park

Battlefield House (circa 1796)

Battlefield Monument (1913)

Designated under the ...

The Battlefield of Stoney Creek

The Battlefield of Stoney Creek

6th June 1813

In memory of 20 good and true King's Men who,

in fighting in defence of their country, died

and were buried on this knoll.

This revised inscription and stone re-dedicated

June 6th 1956


Her Majesty's Army & Navy Veteran's ...

Bushy Run Battlefield

British and Americans under Col. Henry Bouquet defeated the Indians here, August 5-6, 1763, during the Pontiac War, and lifted the siege of Ft. Pitt.

Marker is at the intersection of Bushy Run Road (Pennsylvania Route 993) and Harrison Avenue (Pennsylvania ...

Glorieta Pass Battlefield

National Historic Landmark, 1961

The Civil War battle fought in this pass is often referred to as the "Gettysburg of the West." Union forces dashed Confederate strategy to seize the southwest's major supply base at Fort Union; Colorado and California were ...

Little Big Horn Battlefield National Monument

On June 26, 1876, troopers of the U.S. 7th Calvary Regiment led by Lieutenant Colonel George Armstrong Custer engaged in fierce fighting with Indians of the Teton Sioux and Northern Cheyenne tribes near the Little Big Horn River in Montana. ...

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National Historic Landmark- Wolf Mountains Battlefield

Wolf Mountains Battlefield / Where Big Crow Walked Back and Forth

The Battle of Wolf Mountains, January 8, 1877, was a major turning point in the Great Sioux War in that it resulted in the eventual surrender, just a few ...

National Historic Landmark- Rosebud Battlefield

Rosebud Battlefield, Montana, is a primary site in the core area of the Great Sioux War of 1876-77. According to the multiple property documentation form for the “The Great Sioux War of 1876-1877 in Montana, Wyoming, South Dakota, and Nebraska, ...

National Historic Landmark – Red Bank Battlefield

National Historic Landmark - Red Bank Battlefield

On October 22, 1777, Fort Mercer, an earthen fort erected to guard the river approach to Philadelphia, was successfully defended by Americans in the Battle of the Red Bank.

Their victory delayed the opening of ...

National Historic Landmark - Princeton Battlefield

National Historic Landmark - Princeton Battlefield

The battle that began at sunrise on January 3, 1777, on a field outside Princeton ended when British troops who were barricaded in Nassau Hall surrendered.

Washington's victory here helped raise the morale of the colonists ...

National Historic Landmark - Monmouth Battlefield

National Historic Landmark - Monmouth Battlefield

This Landmark commemorates The Battle of Monmouth, June 28, 1778.

This was a pivotal engagement of the Revolutionary War, since it marked the combat debut of the improved Continental Army, tempered by a long winter of ...
