
Results for Belmont

Belmont County Revolutionary War Veterans

This memorial plaque was placed by the Zane's Trace Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution in grateful memory of those buried in the soil of Belmont County who loved country more than life and served in the American ...

Belmont Inn (1903)

Opened August 1903 as $30,000 hotel "The Eureka" under management W.T. McFall. Built to cater to "drummers" of the textile trade with 30 rooms and 1 public bath. Banquet rooms used to show their wares while Curtain Call Lounge was ...


Edward J. Warren, a farmer, was the first owner of the house on 100 acres in 1858. Warren, a private in the 34th Virginia Infantry, was captured by Union troops and held prisoner at Fort Monroe. The property is first ...

Belmont Bay ~ End of the Water

Occoquan Creek flows in front of you. Occoquan is an American Indian word meaning at the end of the water. The Dogue Indians may have named this creek. They lived in the area for centuries before European exploration and were ...

Historic Pardeeville / Belmont Hotel

Historic Pardeeville

In 1848, New York native and Milwaukee merchant, John S. Pardee hired agents to oversee his Fox River land holdings and to establish business operations from this location. Yates Ashley, the most notable of Pardee's agents, managed the on-site ...

Belmont, Wisconsin Territory, 1836

When Governor Henry Dodge addressed the joint session of the legislature here on October 25, 1836, the Territory of Wisconsin included all of present day Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota, and parts of the two Dakotas. The population was about equally divided ...

Belmont-Hillsboro Neighborhood

When Adelicia Acklen's estate was sold in 1890, the Belmont Mansion and its ground became Belmont College. Other portions, and parts of the neighboring Sunnyside Mansion property, were subdivided into residential lots by the Belmont Land Co. In 1900-1910, streetcar ...

Ward-Belmont College


In 1913, Belmont College (est. 1890) and Ward's Seminary (est. 1865) merged to form Ward-Belmont College, a women's junior college, preparatory school, and music conservatory on Adelicia Acklen's Belle Monte estate. It was the first junior college in the South ...

Belmont Mansion

This mansion was built in 1853 as a summer home for Joseph and Adelicia Acklen. An 1860 addition by architect Adolphus Heiman expanded the mansion's size to 36 rooms. The entrance to the 177 acre estate, which featured gardens decorated ...

Belmont Hotel

Balch and Lippert, Architects

The Belmont Hotel was built to serve business travelers and legislators, with two dining rooms and "modern facilities," meaning adjacent bathrooms. City boosters hoped that it would encourage conventions to come to Madison. The construction of the ...
