
Results for Berkeley

Berkeley County Confederate Monument


Honoring Berkeley County Confederate Soldiers “Deo Vindice”

J B Adkins, S Adkins, S Alexander, J Armstrong, J F Avinger, E Ball, I Ball, J M Ball, J Ball, W J Ball, A Ballentine, J J Ballentine, L E Ballentine, W J ...

Berkeley Piano Club

William L. Woollett, Architect, 1912

City of Berkeley Landmark

designated in 2005

The Berkeley Piano Club, dedicated to the performance and study of music, was founded in 1893 by a group of local women. Early meetings were held in members’ homes and later ...

Berkeley Veterans Memorial Grove

[Marker #1]

In Memory of Those Who

Made the

Supreme Sacrifice

in the World War

C T Vinther • J T Gimbel • A H Ohman

Berkeley Parlor No 210

Native Sons of the Golden West

[Marker #2]

This Tree Dedicated

to the Memory of the

Grand Army of the Republic

by ...

Berkeley High School Industrial Arts and Science (G and H Buildi

Henry H. Gutterson and William Corlett, Sr., Architects


City of Berkeley Landmark

designated in 1982

These buildings are fine examples of the Art Deco style in the Bay Area. They were designed as an ensemble with the adjacent Berkeley High School Community Theater. ...

The 1923 Berkeley Fire

On the morning of September 17, 1923, a grass fire spread from Wildcat Canyon over the hills into Berkeley. Driven by hot, dry winds, the fire spread rapidly across the northeast residential districts of the city, burning as far south ...

North Berkeley Congregational (Grace North) Church

James W. Plachek, Architect, 1913

City of Berkeley Landmark

designated in 1999

When architect James Plachek was hired at the age of 29 to design this church, it was his first major commission in Berkeley. He later designed many public and commercial buildings, ...

South Berkeley Bank

Wells Fargo Bank, South Berkeley Branch

City of Berkeley Landmark

designated in 1982

In the early 20th century, this was one of two banks anchoring the busy Lorin business district’s streetcar intersection. The building remained a bank until the 1980s. Its architecture combines ...

Sir William Berkeley

Oxford-educated, Sir William Berkeley (1605-1677) was governor of Virginia from 1641 to 1652 and from 1660 to 1677, holding office longer than any other governor of Virginia, colonial or modern. Under his leadership, Virginia changed from a colonial outpost to ...

Berkeley County

Area 1238 square miles established by order of the Lord Proprietors, May 10, 1682. Named for John (Lord) Berkeley and Sir William Berkeley. The largest county in the state, and part of the middle coastal district.

This highway and markers ...

Berkeley County

This county was designated a court and land conveyance district in 1682, and an election district in 1683. It was named for two brothers, Lord John and Sir William Berkeley, both Lord Proprietors of Carolina. Over the years, functions of ...
